The Southland Times

Improving mental wellbeing in the workplace


Your mental wellbeing can significan­tly impact your work and your work can significan­tly impact your mental wellbeing. That’s why it’s hugely important to have strategies in place to ensure you’re always checking in with yourself and constantly working on your wellbeing.

But how exactly does someone work on their mental wellbeing? Hugh van Cuylenburg founder of The Resilience Project shares his expertise.

People know what it takes to improve their physical health, but unfortunat­ely, knowledge on how to improve your mental health simply isn’t as commonplac­e explains Hugh, who spends most of his time trying to change just that.

Through his work with The Resilience Project, Hugh tours the country educating students, sporting clubs and businesses on practical, evidenceba­sed, positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness.

‘‘We all sit somewhere differentl­y on the mental health spectrum, some people are struggling, some people are in a good place.

‘‘The important thing is that we’re always working on it,’’ says Hugh.

And here are the key strategies The Resilience Project recommends that can help you do that.

According to Hugh, the three we should be practicing every day to help improve our mental wellbeing in the workplace include:

■ Gratitude

To practice gratitude, at the end of the day you record three things that went well for you during the day.

‘‘It helps to ensure that you’re someone who’s scanning the world for the positive rather than being seduced by the negative,’’ says Hugh.

■ Empathy

To feel what other people feel. The best way to practice empathy is to try and put yourself in the shoes of other people and to do kind things for those you work with.

‘‘The neuroscien­ce behind kindness is amazing. You do kind things for other people and your brain releases a hormone called oxytocin which makes you feel good.’’

■ Mindfulnes­s

It’s the ability to be present and to be calm, which is really important in the workplace.

A great way to practice mindfulnes­s is meditation and there are many different apps out there that can help you do that, including an app from The Resilience Project themselves.

‘‘Just try five minutes during the day. If you’re finding yourself feeling a little stressed in the workplace, find a quiet space, headphones in, push play,’’ adds Hugh.

By making a conscious effort to work on your mental wellbeing, you will not only improve your productivi­ty and happiness in the workplace but your overall happiness.

Visit for further career advice.

‘‘The neuroscien­ce behind kindness is amazing. You do kind things for other people and your brain releases a hormone called oxytocin which makes you feel good.’’- Hugh van Cuylenburg founder of The Resilience Project.

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