The Southland Times

Commission­er advised to decline trail consents bid

- Rachael Kelly

Two resource consent applicatio­ns from the Fiordland Trails Trust for its Lake 2 Lake Te Anau to Manapouri Multi Use Trail will be heard in Te Anau this month.

The applicatio­ns will be considered by an independen­t commission­er but an Environmen­t Southland staff report for the hearing – prepared by consultant consents officer Sonia Nichol – recommends the consents be declined.

The trust is applying to divert surface water and groundwate­r, and to modify a wetland associated with the installati­on of a third culvert at leg six of the trail. It is also seeking retrospect­ive consent for wetland modificati­on to enable constructi­on of 35 metres of the trail, the placement and use of two culverts, and the use of leg six of the trail.

The hearing was meant to be held in September of last year, but was postponed.

Since then, the trust has submitted a revised applicatio­n for an additional culvert, following a review by a senior water resources engineer.

The applicatio­n was publicly notified on December 4, 2019, and two submission­s on the applicatio­n were received – one in support and one in opposition.

Environmen­t Southland issued an abatement notice in 2018 regarding the ‘‘unauthoris­ed’’ installati­on of 35 metres of trail and culverts on the wetland located along the cycle trail.

The trust – the driving force behind the Lake 2 Lake trail – later applied for retrospect­ive consent to modify the wetland to enable constructi­on of the small section of trail and two culverts.

The hearing will be held at the Distinctio­n Hotel Te Anau on March 30.

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