The Timaru Herald

Candidates front at sparsely attended meeting


Incumbent Timaru District councillor­s were criticised for their council’s response to air quality and road issues at the latest, sparsely attended meet the candidates meeting.

The candidates hit back at their critics, saying their council had worked hard to advocate for their district — and that the media shied from their good stories.

A small gathering of five people put the heat on candidates at the Timaru Union rooms in a meeting hosted by the South Canterbury E tu union branch on Wednesday night. Among the issues raised were concern about perceived inaction and the sense not enough ‘‘noise’’ was made by the council regarding air quality and roads.

Incumbent councillor Peter Burt said air quality was overseen by Environmen­t Canterbury (ECan), but that his council had, nonetheles­s, worked for ‘‘years’’ with ECan to tackle the issue.

Owen Jackson said pollution was ‘‘making our town look bad’’ while incumbent councillor Anthony Brien was frustrated that a $60,000 subsidy fund, for those who could not afford to upgrade their wood burners, had apparently gone unspent for 12 months.

Applicants were not meeting the required criteria, but ECan was reviewing its criteria, he said.

It was also frustratin­g that $1.2 million in New Zealand Transport Agency funding for district roads had been lost, as it affected priorities of district projects.

Incumbent councillor Dave Jack implored voters to keep members of the current council: it ‘‘had a plan’’ for the next three years.

Mayoral candidate Phil Smith and Jock Anderson said the council needed ‘‘fresh blood’’, while Anderson said the current council missed ‘‘opportunit­ies to communicat­e various messages to the public.’’

Burt said it was the media’s responsibi­lity to report on council activities and meetings. Local media needed to do more.

After the meeting, Timaru Herald editor Sarah Jarvis welcomed candidates’ enthusiasm for good news stories and sincerely hoped such stories could be told in the new council term.

World Farmers’ boss

South Canterbury farmer and Federated Farmers New Zealand president Dr William Rolleston was appointed acting president of the World Farmers’ Organisati­on (WFO) at a meeting in Geneva. Rolleston has been the organisati­on’s vice president and will guide the organisati­on though until the next general assembly in Helsinki 2017, at which a new president will be appointed. ’’It’s a privilege to be appointed to this role in an acting capacity. The WFO actively promotes the critical importance of a sustainabl­e global farming sector for the future of our planet,’’ Rolleston said.

ECan awaits court decision

Environmen­t Canterbury (ECAN) is awaiting the outcome of a court hearing in Northland that might mean it has to change the way it collects rates. The Mangawhai Ratepayers Associatio­n alleged the Northland Regional Council (NRC) set and collected rates unlawfully. In a court decision, Justice Duffy concluded the NRC could not contract out collection of rates arrears to Kaipara District Council. In an agenda for today’s council meeting, ECan’s chief financial officer Katherine Harbrow notes ’’this has potential consequenc­es for all local authoritie­s who subcontrac­t their rates arrears collection, including Environmen­t Canterbury’’. The judge made an interim decision and the question of remedies has been left to a further hearing. ECan sought legal advice on the matter and has decided to wait for the final decision and likely actions to be taken by Parliament to remedy the matter.

New fishing season begins

The new fishing season opens tomorrow with new options for baiting and spin fishing. Central South Island Fish and Game officer Rhys Adams said anglers can now fish from a boat in Lake Benmore and Lake Ohau, and spin fishing was permitted on Lake Tengawai, a major tributary of Opihi River.

Timaru Police Notebook

Incidents in yesterday’s notebook included:

Senior Sergeant Dylan Murray said a Temuka man, 18, was charged with male assaults female in Temuka at 5pm on Thursday. He will appear in the Timaru District Court.

A Timaru woman, 25, was stopped in George St, in Timaru, after being previously forbidden to drive at 9.30pm on Thursday. Her vehicle was impounded.

Damage was reported at a property on Morgans Rd at 2.30pm on Thursday.

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