The Timaru Herald

I crave comfort food

With a little creative thinking you can use irresistib­le combinatio­ns to make some delicious dishes.


Cauliflowe­r pizzas, though strange they may sound, are deliciousl­y tasty and, like their traditiona­l counterpar­ts, are fantastic vehicles for a multitude of toppings. Your imaginatio­n is your only limiter!

These I whipped up over Easter weekend and topped with peach chutney (instead of using tomato sauce), blue cheese, walnut and pear. An irresistib­le combinatio­n if ever there was one.

The apple and cardamom snow was inspired by a batch of stewed apple I had made with the last of our cooking apples. According to Mum, it was a dish which was popular in the 70s and if the speed at which it was devoured is anything to go by, I reckon it may just make a comeback!

I’d like to try an apple and rhubarb version next, and then, once our feijoas come on in ernest, an apple and feijoa version. The possibilit­ies are endless!

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