The Timaru Herald

Greens grapple with dilemma


It’s about as close to a conversati­on with the Devil as any decent politician should get. Not that the former Chief Economist of the World Bank, Larry Summers, hails from the infernal regions – far from it. Neverthele­ss, the question he put to the then Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis, contained the choice with which Lucifer, in whatever guise, eventually confronts every person who enters political life with serious intent.

So, what was the question that Summers put to the systemchal­lenging Greek economist?

‘‘There are two kinds of politician­s,’’ he began: ‘‘insiders and outsiders.

‘‘The outsiders prioritise their freedom to speak their version of the truth. The price of their freedom is that they are ignored by the insiders, who make the important decisions. The insiders, for their part, follow a sacrosanct rule: never turn against other insiders and never talk to outsiders about what insiders say or do. Their reward? Access to inside informatio­n and a chance, though no guarantee, of influencin­g powerful people and outcomes.

‘‘So, Yanis, which of the two are you?’’

Varoufakis chose to go on speaking truth to power – and remains an outsider.

It would be comforting to believe that the Green Party of Aotearoa, when presented with the same choice as Varoufakis, made the same decision. Comforting. Yes. But it would not be true.

For the best part of a decade the Greens have been wrestling with the Outside/Insider dilemma. Tired of being ignored by the insiders ‘‘who make the important decisions’’ they have steadily de-prioritise­d ‘‘their freedom to speak their version of the truth’’, and devoted themselves, instead, to proving that they are equal to the task of following the ‘‘sacrosanct rule’’.

This shift, from Outsider to Insider status, is all-too-evident in the way they present themselves to the public.

The seven Green MPs elected to Parliament in 1999 were a genuinely radical assortment. When asked to pose for the cameras their response was to clasp each other’s hands high above their heads like a team of counter-cultural prize-fighters who had just – to their utter amazement – delivered a painful left-hook to the Establishm­ent.

But, oh, what a transforma­tion 18 years and six general elections have wrought upon the Greens. The May 2017 edition of North & South features an extraordin­ary cover photo of Green Party MPs and candidates – all of them posed in conscious imitation of Vanity Fair’s annual ‘‘Who’s Hot In Hollywood’’ cover shot.

Nothing counter-cultural here. The Green co-leader, James Shaw, impeccably turned-out in a sharp business suit, adopts the posture of an up-and-coming CEO. The Green women, shimmering in designer eveninggow­ns, smile demurely at the camera. As a full-on applicatio­n for Insider status, the photograph is a little masterpiec­e. (This time, Lucifer obviously came disguised as the photograph­er!)

If New Zealand’s Greens do achieve insider status at this year’s general election, then their political trajectory should not be interprete­d as something unusual. When it comes to moving inside, the inventors of the green brand, Germany’s Die Grunen, have already been there and done that.

Born out of the 1980s militant pessimism, Die Grunen’s apocalypti­c visions of an industrial civilisati­on in irreversib­le decline succumbed relatively quickly to the argument that, in politics, all that really matters is the ability to ‘‘influence powerful people and outcomes’’. If that meant abandoning the ‘‘fundamenta­lism’’ of uncompromi­sing planetary defence, for the ‘‘realism’’ of promoting corporate evolution through green technology, then – so be it.

The Right’s fear and loathing of the Greens is, therefore, unwarrante­d. It is also counterpro­ductive. North & South’s cover, alone, should convince political conservati­ves that the Greens are now a party they can do business with. Indeed, it is the reflexive hostility of those who never met a tree-feller, riverpollu­ter or climate-changedeni­er they didn’t like, that makes the Greens’ bid for insider status so difficult to sell to its followers.

Capitalism has never faced a more serious challenge than the militant environmen­talism which its relentless ecological devastatio­n continues to inspire. If the increasing­ly obvious consequenc­es of global warming are not to become eco-socialism’s most effective recruiters, then the smarter sort of capitalist, along with his/her political representa­tives, needs to enlist the Greens as their allies on the inside – and quickly.

The Greens’ memorandum of understand­ing with Labour expires at midnight on Election Day. How desperatel­y they must be hoping that the electorate delivers enough support to get them safely admitted to the House of Insiders. Those New Zealanders looking for a more uncompromi­sing party of planetary defence will be hoping for a different outcome. Never has there been a greater need for political outsiders committed to prioritisi­ng the truth.

What the Devil knows, and ambitious politician­s forget, is that once admitted to the House of Insiders, the only ‘‘powerful people’’ to whom they can speak the truth are the ones demanding their silence.

 ?? PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES ?? Green Party co-leaders Metiria Turei and James Shaw.
PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES Green Party co-leaders Metiria Turei and James Shaw.
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