The Timaru Herald

Caution urged in considerin­g research


In response to Fairfax article titled ‘‘Vegetarian diet keeps fat at bay’’, the single study is on a small group of only 72 type 2 diabetics over a short period of 6 months, therefore does not account for the current body of evidence with regards to eating patterns and health outcomes, nor does this single study constitute overall nutrition recommenda­tions for the New Zealand population.

Regardless of whether one chooses to follow a vegetarian or non-vegetarian eating pattern, both can result in a healthful lifestyle depending on the quality and nutrient compositio­n of one’s diet, and the way one chooses to live with regards to regular exercise, maintainin­g a healthy body weight, stress management, moderating alcohol and not smoking.

An eating regime that aims to reduce body fat is achievable whether vegetarian or not, and I recommend those needing assistance, to seek the advice of a New Zealand registered dietitian or registered nutritioni­st.

The comments on environmen­tal benefits to having more meat-free days does not take into account how our beef and lamb are raised here in New Zealand. The pastures of which they are raised are only safety offences.

Both fire officers told me the same thing. The New Zealand Fire Brigades had for the last 25 years been trying to get the New Zealand Government to roll out new safety regulation­s for local body councils to be able to ‘‘force building owners’’ to comply.

Bill English on TV One this morning (Monday) was putting the safety of buildings onto building owners and councils but if councils haven’t got the teeth to force compliance the tourists remain at risk. David F Schofield Waimate suitable for livestock, would otherwise be wasted and our farmers take great pride in treating the land and its animals to the utmost highest standard, where they take care of the farms they manage and leave in a better condition for the next generation­s to come, resulting in a constant improvemen­t of a sustainabl­e food system. June 19) is the leader of the Fluoride action Network in the United States and is part of the Health Liberty Coalition that promotes anti fluoride, anti vaccine; supports chem-trails and other such woo.

FAN and its members will try and tell you community water fluoridati­on causes every illness and disease from asthma to yellow fever.

Could he supply the peer reviewed dental and or medical records of some the people in the last 70 years that have proven health problems caused by community water fluoridati­on at 0.7-1 parts per million to substantia­te his case?

It should not be too hard if there is any credibilit­y in his

The NZ meat industry endorses the recommenda­tions by the Ministry of Health and Diabetes NZ with regards to meat consumptio­n, which is that of moderation, not eaten every day, served lean and with plenty of vegetables and wholegrain­s, and within a healthy lifestyle. Beef + Lamb NZ claims, with 360 million people using community water fluoridati­on daily, and untold millions that have used it in the last 70 years. I would expect at least 1000, and that would only be 1-in-a-million or less.

When I ask the local antifluori­de/vaccine lobby they run and hide and can’t list one. Instead of trying to push the flawed Grandjean studies and substantia­te them using a paid lobbyist, Hitzy from F.A.N , who tried unsuccessf­ully to mislead the E.P.A in the U.S by 70 fold in cancer data.

Hardly an independen­t, credible source of quality analysis. Chris Price Palmerston North

 ?? PHOTO: 123RF ?? Beef+Lamb cautions as to how overseas food studies are interprete­d in New Zealand.
PHOTO: 123RF Beef+Lamb cautions as to how overseas food studies are interprete­d in New Zealand.

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