The Timaru Herald

A bridesmaid’s calming duties


One of the bridesmaid­s duties is to be the reasonable friend.

The reasonable friend is not always the popular friend, but sometimes someone needs to be a voice of reason.

When you’re listening to your bride-to-be moaning about how her mum just doesn’t understand that you need to have blush roses with white edges on the tables otherwise it will ruin the whole reception, then it’s your duty to raise one eyebrow and say "you’re being ridiculous".

Gently encourage your bride to invest in the things that will really matter, such as a good photgraphe­r.

At the end of the day, the photograph­s are the only physical record your bride will have left of that most wonderful day.

The warm fuzzies of remembranc­e are great, but the pictures will continue to show the same thing, even if your memory doesn’t 20 years down the line.

The hours spent stressing over what colour the table cloths and seat coverings would be? No one cares. But above all else, help your bride to enjoy every moment, and relish the little moments on the day.

Expect to be the calm one and don’t take any upset personally.

Even the most laid back of best friends can have moments of nightmare bridezilla­ness!

 ?? PHOTO: STUFF ?? Your wedding dress will be one of the most important purchases you make and should not be made on the spur of the moment.
PHOTO: STUFF Your wedding dress will be one of the most important purchases you make and should not be made on the spur of the moment.

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