The Timaru Herald

Perfect time for fungal foray in Timaru park


The region’s recent wet weather, followed by intense sun, has provided the perfect background for a fungal foray in Timaru, the event’s organiser says.

The Friends of the Timaru Botanic Gardens group will step out of its territory on Saturday, hosting a Fungal Foray at Centennial Park.

Friends of the Timaru Botanic Garden Incorporat­ed Society president Wayne McLay said it was the first time the group had held such an event.

‘‘We’re looking forward to it,’’ he said.

Fungi had been chosen as the subject as it was abundant at this time of the year.

‘‘It’s a good season for it this year with the wet weather and the sun.’’

Those taking part will be shown different fungal examples from throughout the park, with informatio­n on them. People will also have the chance to ask questions.

McLay said fungi seemed to be ‘‘popping up’’ in many parks and gardens throughout the region.

The Fungal Foray begins at 1.30pm, meeting at the Centennial Park lake car park.

‘‘There will be a gazebo set up with a table and fungi books for identifica­tion.’’

Attendants are asked to bring cameras and sketch pads. Photos and sketches will then be displayed at the Timaru District Library the following week.

The Friends of the Timaru Botanic Gardens was placed into recess seven years ago, and last year relaunched with the aim of establishi­ng new roots in support of the Garden Of National Significan­ce.

The group was placed into recess when executive numbers dwindled and there were too few members to replace them, McLay said.

Following an annual meeting in September last year, the group was reformed and since then has taken on several projects.

The Botanic Gardens was named a Garden Of National Significan­ce in 2014.

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