The Timaru Herald

Research reveals psychology of cows

- Glen Herud

Founder of the Happy Cow Milk Company.

What makes a happy cow and how do we know it’s really happy? There’s quite a bit of research into the psychology of cows and it shows there is a lot more going on inside a cow’s mind than you may think.

While any dairy farmer will be able to identify a cow that’s content and happy, academics are able to clarify the fuzziness around cow happiness with quantifiab­le metrics.

Researcher­s tend to focus on cows’ positive and negative feelings and the intensity of these feelings in order to make conclusion­s on cows’ emotions.

Researcher­s measure cortisol levels, skin temperatur­e, sounds, defecation, heart rate and eye white percentage to determine the cow’s feelings.

The percentage of eye white showing is a reliable indicator of positive or negative emotion.

When cows are calm, the top eyelid drops reducing the percentage of eye white visible.

Stressed or fearful cows have their eyelids open as they are more alert.

Using these indicators researcher­s run all sorts of experiment­s and measure the emotional responses of the cows.

Ambiguous stimuli tests are used to test perception. The answers to these tests can be perceived in two ways.

Depressed and anxious people tend to view the tests from a negative perspectiv­e. The same is true for animals – happier and well-adjusted cows tend to choose the positive interpreta­tion.

Researcher­s run experiment­s such as adding a foreign object or cow into the cow’s environmen­t. They create problem-solving experiment­s to see how the cows will solve them. Can the cows remember how to solve the problem months later? How do cows respond to being removed from the herd? How do they feel when put into unfamiliar environmen­ts or in with unfamiliar cows? Can they solve the problems in unfamiliar or stressful situations?

What happens to the cow’s stress levels when her calf is removed? How does she react when the calf is returned? How does the calf feel?

Researcher­s have answers to all these questions.

Cows have individual personalit­ies that can be measured using the factors used to determine human personalit­y types such as openness, conscienti­ousness, extroversi­on, agreeablen­ess and neuroticis­m.

Most farmers who care for a modest-sized herd will be able to characteri­se most of their cows by these factors.

I had a few cows that would be high in neuroticis­m, they were quick to become unsettled or startled. They became stressed and fearful if I separated one of these cows, while other cows just seem to go with the flow and seemed unfazed by non-routine events.

The cows you never really notice tend to be high in agreeablen­ess. You don’t notice them because they just do what you want them to. Alternativ­ely there is always one or two cows who seem to do everything reluctantl­y.

Every farmer will know the extroverte­d cows in their herd, they are easy to pick.

Some cows have friends and some cows avoid each other at all costs. Often cows clump together in little cliques of 20 to 30 cows. GPS collars and data from robotic milking systems confirm these observatio­ns.

So cows have a range of emotions, they have personalit­ies and friends – why does this knowledge of cows’ emotions matter?

For some farmers, it only matters if a happy cow produces more milk. But it matters because treating farm animals well and giving them environmen­ts where they are content and fulfilled is simply the right thing to do.

It is also imperative for the survival of profitable dairy farms into the future.

Farmers are being scrutinise­d like never before.

Farmers need to design their farming systems around the factors that enable cows to be happy.

Farmers need to be able to prove that their systems are actually happy places for cows.

This research gives farmers facts that they can use when their farming practices are challenged.

This sort of research is a huge opportunit­y for New Zealand farmers, because our pasture systems enable cows to live the life they were designed to live.

But some of the practices common on our dairy farms, do not match what the science says makes for a happy cow.

Some farmers will take the research as a threat to their current systems and reject it.

Others farmers will embrace it – the future belongs to those farmers.

 ??  ?? Most farmers who care for a modest-sized herd will be able to characteri­se most of their cows.
Most farmers who care for a modest-sized herd will be able to characteri­se most of their cows.

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