The Timaru Herald

Man labelled sex predator gets $1000 compo after Facebook smear

- Joanne Holden

A Temuka man has been ordered to publish an online apology over a post to social media group Timaru Whinge that falsely labelled a man a sexual predator.

Nathaniel Owen Gosling, 30, was also sentenced to two months’ community detention and ordered to pay $1000 reparation to the victim when he appeared before Judge Joanna Maze in the Timaru District Court, having pleaded guilty to causing harm by posting a digital communicat­ion.

More than 100 people commented on Gosling’s defamatory post on the Facebook page, published at 7.53pm on November 15, 2018.

‘‘The post was originally written by an unknown person and had been removed from the site,’’ police prosecutor Sergeant Ian Howard said in a summary of facts presented to the court.

‘‘You now appreciate the very serious risk and harm you caused. You’ve been expressing regret and remorse.’’ Judge Joanna Maze

‘‘The defendant reposted it after having taken a screenshot of the original post.’’

Gosling, who had never met the subject of the post, alleged the man was an active sexual predator who approached children on his motorcycle to offer them lollies.

‘‘The post outlined that police could not do anything regarding these allegation­s due to there not being enough evidence, but that the local community could exile the complainan­t,’’ Howard said.

‘‘In explanatio­n, the defendant stated that he was not the original author of the post and uploaded the screenshot because it is against the rules of the Facebook group to delete them.’’

Judge Maze said while Gosling was not the post’s original author, by republishi­ng it he ‘‘incited action against the victim which was aimed at driving him from the community’’.

Strangers had been impelled to find out where the victim lived and visit him at his home, the judge said.

‘‘I accept you do not wish to associate yourself with the kinds of people involved in this Facebook page.

‘‘You now appreciate the very serious risk and harm you caused. You’ve been expressing regret and remorse,’’ Judge Maze said.

Defence lawyer Douglas Brown said Gosling was offering $1000 to the victim to make amends for his ‘‘exercise in foolishnes­s’’.

Judge Maze said community detention allowed Gosling to ‘‘take advantage of longer working hours to sooner pay reparation to the victim’’.

The judge also ordered Gosling to post an apology to social media, adding ‘‘it would be helpful for you to ensure the victim knows what words will be used’’.

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