The Timaru Herald

New Zealand


Aotearoa the land of the long white cloud. A country of differing nationalit­ies and cultures striving to do their bit to help make New Zealand a wonderful country to live in.

It is despicable under this MMP system that we have a portion of MPs who hold ministeria­l portfolios unelected by the population at large. This is not democracy. It is socialisti­c dictatorsh­ip.

Up until two years ago this country, even under Helen Clark’s leadership, was a nation to be proud of.

What has happened now is a divided nation of hatred and distrust between town and country. We have a Left-wing coalition Government determined to destroy the very fabric of society as we have known it for the last 180 years.

Farming contribute­s 60 per cent of GDP and provides a living for many people employed in the service industry supporting small towns up and down the country.

Former prime minister David Lange claimed farming was a sunset industry in the 1980s. How wrong was he? And now we have Left wingers trashing the industry again. The callousnes­s of their actions is having far-reaching effects on the moral and wellbeing of hard-working dedicated farmers and their families.

Talk of a government being fair to all walks of life in New Zealand is so far-fetched and unethical, callous and unjust. People that spend their livelihood­s in the farming industry do it not only for the lifestyle but also to ensure their properties have been nurtured and the soil and environmen­t is left in a very good condition for future generation­s.

The rhetoric of political overtones on climate change attacking farmers and a deliberate intention to destroy farming as we know it defies the imaginatio­n. Is there no feeling for these families who are dedicated, hard-working people.

About 41,000 years ago this planet went through a warming era. It is cyclical. The axis of the planet has shifted 2 degrees – from 22o to 24o. That in itself can create mayhem with the world’s weather – more turbulence and unpredicta­ble weather. There is never any mention of sun spot activity which can also have a dramatic effect on the weather.

A bigger threat to this planet is overpopula­tion and nuclear war. Allan Andrews Ashburton

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