The Timaru Herald

World of make-believe now harder to find


Would you believe it folks, the sparkling stars are working wonders. I am being choosey and adding a star only when something super special happens.

Do you ever give thought to the stars – real stars? In New Zealand we are fortunate to often have clear skies where we can easily see millions, well trillions, of stars, or maybe it is zillions.

To see the stars we need to look up. However, we can’t look upwards all the time or we trip over our own feet. I went for a walk in the bush the other day. The path was quite steep so it required a lot of concentrat­ion and puff to make it to a viewing point at the top. No, I didn’t see stars as it was in the heat of the day but my sense of accomplish­ment made me feel I deserved a rest.

I admit it. Sometimes I need a little snooze after lunch. That is not a problem in itself as 40 winks has a wondrous way of giving fresh energy and clear thought for the rest of the day. I didn’t quite snooze off but my brain closed down to normal activity and I spent time in a fantasy land of make-believe.

I remembered when I was a child and played in the bush. It was so easy to play make-believe stories. We made bush huts and shops and moss sandwiches. We swung on hanging vines and then rested on beds made from dead fern branches. Prickly? No, they were better than any fine mattresses bought in a shop

Memories, make-believe – wonderful. Today it’s harder to make-believe but we can all make sparkly star days happen.

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