The Timaru Herald

People’s worth


About half a century ago I had a class of youngsters who were not the cream.

In the incident I am about to describe, five were at the principal’s office for smoking in the toilets, a quite heinous crime in those days.

The previous evening I had come home muttering all sorts of imprecatio­ns about my class. In reply to my mutters my wife said ‘‘If we believe God made them there must be some good in them’’.

More mutters. But after tea I wrote all their names on a piece of paper and, with much chewing of the pencil, something good about everyone. Next morning I read the list to the class and sent them on their way – the five smokers burst in later to learn their good points.

No miracles as such happened, but as is often the case the teacher learnt a lesson. Like everyone else these rascals had worth.

It is common knowledge that many in prison have mental health problems and folk involved in family harm were often themselves victims, so it was good to read of Sir John Kirwan’s efforts to help youngsters understand these problems (The Timaru Herald, July 6).

Likewise with 100 million refugees in the world it is easy to think ‘‘My help will be a drop in the bucket’’, but you reported three women giving a concert to raise a somewhat modest sum to help – enough drops will fill the bucket. These people believe others have worth.

Thank you for telling us about them and for being objective by also publishing the realities – crime, war etc. This balance is missing on the internet.

Dennis Veal


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