The Timaru Herald

Positive news


Page 3 of Wednesday's Timaru Herald made for encouragin­g reading. The granting of funding from the Contaminat­ed Sites Remediatio­n Fund, for use in the developmen­t of a remediatio­n plan for the Galletlys Road landfill is very welcome news. Nigel Trainor's detailed and informed comment on the Theatre Royal/cultural hub also struck a positive note in what has has become a rather ill-tempered and narrow debate at times. First, I was delighted to read that Mr Trainor will take a particular interest in the cost of running the council, with a focus of bringing work in house. His analysis of the council's three main financial areas and how these relate to the question of rates rises broadened an issue whose focus to date has been almost exclusivel­y on outgoings, and he has provided a breakdown of costs both for the theatre project and for the capital programme in general. That the hub is to double as a conference centre for Timaru with costs already included in the overall budget was something of a surprise, but a very welcome and inspired one in terms of value for money and turning the theatre/ hub into the sort of multi-function space which Timaru so sorely needs. For decades now, Timaru has missed out on the very lucrative conference trade altogether. To have entertainm­ent/cultural hub/ conference activity all working on the same site with the resultant spillover of visitors and potential sharing of staff and space resources is inspiring. A good hotel close by would be the icing on the cake. The earning potential of such a complex may also help settle the fears of the many who have described the project as a drain on resources, without considerin­g its revenue possibilit­ies. Mr Trainor comes to the chief executive role at TDC bringing long-term experience in local government and at the SCDHB. He is already respected for his financial and people-management skills and knows the town well. His clear and well-reasoned statements on the workings of Council and how the theatre project fits within the greater picture were very reassuring to this reader. May the show go on. Jan Stiebert Timaru We are considered the more wealthy in this community, being farmers, but we can’t afford these large rate increases so how can fixed income families and pensioners? The Theatre Royal has become a ridiculous waste of money. If Mr Trainor wishes for a conference centre then let it be private as we all know it will lose money like the Theatre at the ratepayers’ expense. Come on councillor­s, we didn’t vote you in to bankrupt our future generation­s … if you carry on in this light you will do just that. Live within our means. A very wise saying I feel! Mandy Robins Pleasant Point

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