The TV Guide

Seven Sharp switch

Valerie P (Auckland)


I am not normally known for being backward at coming forward, but when I read Joss Hicks’ letter (TVG, Aug 6-12) I could not believe my eyes. What an amazing display of mistaken identity, accusing Toni Street of doing what Mike Hosking always does – talking over the top, ridiculing almost everything she says and does, the list goes on. What is more, I am not the only person to have noticed Mike’s behavioura­l tactics. To accuse Toni of those tactics beggars belief. Mike Hosking, despite the fact that he is exceptiona­l at his job, is the classic example of a spoiled, attention-seeking child. I have every sympathy for Toni having to put up with his behaviour. who listens to his morning radio broadcast (News Of The World In 90 Seconds) is a good example. His speaking is easy to understand and his presentati­on is good – except for his jeans. I wouldn’t wear them myself, being 80 years old. Seven Sharp is for entertainm­ent and the girls are so lovely. In my opinion the pair complement each other. Surely we do not have to make snide public remarks about people and their habits that annoy us? We all have dislikes for certain broadcaste­rs but should keep them to ourselves. If your dislike is so intense, I suggest you put your finger on the change-channel button. Myself, I find some presenters most irritating and when they get too much I turn off and read a book. There is plenty of news on the internet if Seven Sharp gets too much for some people.

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