The TV Guide

What’s new On Screen


In the reality series Miss Popularity, 10 Kiwi beauty queens were sent to the Australian outback town of Burra to compete for a $100,000 prize by proving they had what it takes – on the inside.

The second episode has just been added to NZ On Screen, where it is free to watch online.

It is an episode in which the girls find themselves herding cattle and tackling calves for branding, before being stranded in the outback alone.

Before any eliminatio­ns are held, they compete in a “hay bale challenge” in front of the town, where an accident threatens to end the game early for one competitor.

In a twist, it is the townsfolk of Burra who choose which contestant will go home every week.

Striking a balance between getting along with their fellow Kiwi city-slickers and impressing the Aussie locals proves to be tricky for some.

Another fresh addition at is the first episode of Ponsonby neighbours-at-war drama Rude Awakenings.

When the Rush family, led by matriarch Dimity (Danielle Cormack), arrive at their new home, they immediatel­y look upon their neighbours’ soon-to-be-on-the-market home as a possible investment property for themselves.

However, this does not go down well with the current renters.

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