Waikato Times

Road fatalities

Children will suffer

- Is to become a city of choice. Once again, many thanks to all in the Mary Poppins team.

On December 1, 2014, draconian blood/ alcohol regulation­s became law, with the politician­s and the police congratula­ting each other as to how they’d worked together to defeat drunken driving in our country and save so many lives on our roads. There were some who, having a little more intelligen­ce or honesty than MPs and, apparently, police management, tried to tell them that this would do nothing to stop drunk drivers, and, accordingl­y, nothing to curb the road toll. But it would serve to further restrict socialisin­g within our communitie­s by respectabl­e, responsibl­e citizens, afraid to drive their cars after having chewed a wine gum. And we have subsequent­ly seen the closure of many socially valuable clubs and pubs, especially those with marginal profitabil­ity in more lightly populated areas.

Now, what do we find?

Road fatalities for 12 months to December 4: 2013 = 231; 2014 = 267; 2015 = 290; 2016 = 298; 2017 = 342

These draconian alcohol levels haven’t done a bit to stop road fatalities. The drunken drivers are a readily identifiab­le demographi­c cohort with no interest in blood/alcohol level regulation­s. But pathetical correctnes­s (a form of cowardice) prevents identifyin­g that cohort, and, thus, dealing with them.

All these levels do is punish responsibl­e social drinkers.

It’s well past time for the fools running this country to raise the blood/ alcohol levels back to where they should be, allowing responsibl­e citizens to enjoy socialisin­g with their friends. That won’t stop drunks from driving, of course, but nor do these appallingl­y restrictiv­e levels.

Graeme Smith

Hamilton T John Marshall

Cambridge Children suffer under ‘‘Score card’’ system

Private company, Tenancy Informatio­n New Zealand is attempting to pass itself off as a legitimate government organisati­on. In fact, this is a greedy private corporatio­n utilising scaremonge­ring tactics to put money into their pockets and tip the scales of power further towards the wealthy.

The punitive ‘‘Tenancy Risk Score’’ will penalise families who are already struggling to find affordable homes.

Under this scheme, families will be held ransom! There is no real choice given as they either sign or they sleep on the street with their children.

We encourage you to contact your local MP to put a stop to this.

William Wells

New Plymouth imposing clock installed, but that is adding to rate costs! If fuel tax is added, workers may wake up that it is cheaper to use a bus card and catch a bus to and from work, rather than pay for parking and using unnecessar­y fuel. Just $4.80 a day at the moment.

Jim Lynn

Hamilton Write to: Editor Waikato Times, Private Bag 3086, Hamilton 3240, or email editor@waikatotim­es.co.nz. Letters may be edited or declined and should not exceed 200 words.

Full residentia­l addresses and phone numbers are required and, if possible, daytime phone numbers.

No noms de plume, no poetry.

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