Waikato Times

Rates debate


Once again writers to your paper are sounding off about a subject about which they have obviously not done their homework. This time on rates.

Some people have even sunk to personal abuse in pushing their opinions – the first sign of a weak argument.

It is time for those complainin­g about the necessary increase in rates to get real. Hamilton residents have been getting their extensive services from their council for less than the cost. They have had a free ride for too long. The fault for this lies clearly with previous councils and management. This folly has resulted in Hamilton City rates being the lowest in our region at an average $2025 per residentia­l property (Taxpayers’ Union Report 2017). The rates in councils adjacent to Hamilton are: Matamata Piako $2279, Waipa District $2532 and Waikato District $2651 – making an average for the three of $2487. Thus, Hamilton City’s rates are more than 20% less than our neighbours – and I would contend that we get far more services for our rates dollar than any of these other areas. The 15% increase proposed would make Hamilton’s average rates $2340, still the second lowest of the four and still below the average. Under the leadership of Mayor Andrew King this council is finally giving the city a reality check. They should be supported. A 15% rates increase is the only prudent and proper course of action. It is called financial responsibi­lity.

Russell O Armitage Hamilton

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