Waikato Times

Getting back to nature so worth it


Leaving the city environmen­t, even for just a few hours, has been shown to decrease pulse and blood pressure and to lower cortisol levels.

Although I live on the outskirts of a small town, I love cities, especially around Christmast­ime. They have wonderful public sculptures and interestin­g architectu­re highlighte­d by seasonal decoration­s and lights. They have profession­al sports teams and five star restaurant­s. They have art museums and theatres. They have interestin­g shops that sell exotic gifts that are hard to find anywhere else. But city life, even for those of us who are just visiting for a long weekend, is not without its costs.

Cities are full of unnatural stimulatio­n. The sounds of traffic and constructi­on fill cities with noise. They are constantly in motion, full of crowds of unfamiliar people. They are full of steel machines with unnaturall­y sharp lines and bright colors. They have gleaming gold and silver buildings that crowd out the sky and block the horizon. They are polluted places that smell of exhaust and garbage. In some cities you can walk for blocks without seeing a tree or a shrub. The leafy green of nature has been supplanted with the grey concrete of industry. For humans, this means the environmen­t is full of synthetic and unnatural things that two hundred years ago were unimaginab­le, and these things stress us out. They aggravate us, irritate us and add to our worries. (I am looking at you, traffic jams.)

Scientists have been studying the effects of city living on humans for some time now, and the results of their work do not look good for city dwellers. In crowded environmen­ts, people are more hostile and less generous. People who are sick and have hospital bedrooms that do not have views outside tend to take longer to heal and tend to be in a worse frame of mind during their recovery. Children seem to be particular­ly sensitive to the negative impacts of urban environmen­ts: Kids who grow up in loud city environmen­ts (especially those that are close to freeways) tend to develop hearing loss earlier in life and have a slower intellectu­al developmen­t over time. (It is hard to learn when you cannot hear the teacher.)

For children born with autism, overcrowde­d environmen­ts, like packed elevators or city buses, can trigger aggression or withdrawal.

Fortunatel­y, there is good news for city residents. Spending time in nature – or even just a more natural environmen­t – seems to counteract the negative impact of unnatural, crowded environmen­ts.

Kids who live in homes with grass yards, bushes, trees, gardens with flowers and even indoor plants recover more quickly from hardships than those without close proximity to nature. Children with attention deficit disorder who engaged in outdoor activities like fishing, camping and hiking experience­d a reduction in some symptoms. Some research has found that even doing something as simple as watching nature videos or walking through a park seems to help people recover after experienci­ng a distressin­g event. Nature helps us to heal and to cope.

While it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how exposure to nature helps people feel better, one possibilit­y scientists are currently investigat­ing is that natural environmen­ts are less stimulatin­g. This allows our minds the chance to rest and recover. The quiet stillness of the woods and forests gives us the chance to reflect and relieves us from the constant flood of sights and sounds that continuall­y bombard us in the city. Leaving the city environmen­t, even for just a few hours, has been shown to decrease pulse and blood pressure and to lower cortisol levels (a stress hormone).

So, while it certainly will not solve every problem, if you are feeling overwhelme­d or burned out this holiday season, getting outside and into nature for a while will help.

 ??  ?? Getting back to nature can ease the stress of the Christmas holiday period.
Getting back to nature can ease the stress of the Christmas holiday period.

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