Waikato Times

Boy racers and council


The [Hamilton City] council’s boy racer bylaw is a Band-Aid not a solution.

[Instead council should] work with ‘‘car enthusiast­s’’ to keep them out of the suburbs.

Set up an ‘‘event’’ at the intersecti­on of Clow Place and Gallagher Drive (or similar location), running 9pm to midnight. Erect temporary gates so passing through the intersecti­on requires a ticket, say $10 per person and $20 bond per car. The bond is refundable on exit before midnight, so encourages people to disperse.

The ticket pays for security guards to prevent vandalism and street sweepers to do a clean-up.

Passing through the intersecti­on is ‘‘leaving’’ the event back onto a public road so there is no health and safety liability on the ‘‘event’’. The car clubs are free to do their own thing. They will do it anyway, regardless of the consequenc­es.

Cars are checked at the gates for WOF and registrati­on. Drivers are breathalys­ed on the way out. Clow Place is reserved for burnouts and donuts, with parking down Gallagher Drive. The intersecti­on ‘‘event’’ has a St John’s station and detox area. The ‘‘car enthusiast­s’’ may be annoying but we can improve safety.

Police are on standby but not actually present. Security can call on them if necessary, and at least the police know where the boy racers are!

A graffiti wall can be set up with prizes for the best art. It distracts taggers from other targets. A DJ could provide music at a controlled volume. Help the informal boy racer clubs get organised so a proper dialogue can be had and they can begin some self-regulation.

Andrew Bydder


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