Waikato Times

Surviving on pension


The headlines ‘‘Pensioners living well on NZ Super’’ alongside the story of a Wellington resident who states he and his wife save around $1000 a month has my husband and I, along with neighbours, disputing this.

Yes two can live on superannua­tion – just. Our $600 a week (for a couple) is swallowed up by monthly power bill, mobile and internet, rates, insurance, supermarke­t once a week, car warrant/ maintenanc­e. Petrol is $70 every three weeks. Doctor visits, medication (not all is government subsidised) family birthday/Christmas gifts. Our one extravagan­ce, the Waikato Times subscripti­on.

We have a vegetable garden, I preserve excess fruit, make jams and sauces – husband is a good DIY.

Mr Thompson’s claims really stirred interest and robust discussion as I canvassed opinions. Not only was he able to save around $1000 a month and have a float fluctuatin­g around the $40,000 mark. Dennis Thompson needs to travel round NZ and show his budget - some of his float would be needed for his travel costs. His ‘‘living frugality’’ must be extremely frugal.

My ‘‘interviewe­es’’ are all happy and satisfied with their lives but a little extra would make a difference when an unexpected bill crops up and the worry is how to pay for it. The majority of us do not have a credit card.

Fay Dwyer


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