Weekend Herald - Canvas

Fruit With Flourish



Makes 150 cubes

This petit four came into existence by accident. I’d been attempting to make a tarte tatin using mamaku as a replacemen­t for apple — it tasted okay but was a gluey mess. I put the failed tart in the fridge and decided to give it another go in the morning. When I returned the next day, the “slime” had solidified into a firm jelly.

For the mamaku puree: 300g mamaku frond, cleaned under cold running water 200ml water

Peel the mamaku frond with a small, sharp knife. Discard the outer skin and cut the flesh into 5mm slices. Put the mamaku and water in a small pot set over medium heat. Cook until you can easily run a knife through it, then remove from the heat. Transfer the mamaku and cooking water into a blender or food processor. Blend until it forms a puree. Pass through a fine sieve and divide into 100g portions. You need 100g for the following recipe; any excess can be frozen in a covered container.

For the pate de fruit: 100g mamaku puree 210ml water 15g glucose 215g white sugar 8g pectin powder 5g tartaric acid

Use baking spray to grease a 15cm x 15cm heatproof baking dish. Put the mamaku puree, water and glucose in a medium pot. Bring to a boil. Thoroughly mix the sugar and pectin powder (it is crucial to avoid lumps) and add to the boiling mamaku mixture. Cook until it reaches 107C on a thermomete­r, whisking constantly to avoid unwanted caramelisa­tion at the bottom of the pot. Dissolve the tartaric acid in 10ml water. Whisk into the pot for no more than 10 seconds, then pour the mixture into the prepared dish. Let it cool completely. Once set, cut into 150 small cubes and store in a covered container in the fridge.

For the fizzy sugar: 50g caster sugar 1g citric acid

To make the fizzy sugar, stir together the caster sugar and citric acid until combined. Roll the mamaku cubes in the fizzy sugar just before serving.

20 fresh kawakawa leaves 100ml simple syrup (see below) Soda water, to serve

Put the boysenberr­ies, kawakawa leaves and sugar syrup in a blender and puree until smooth. Push through a sieve and pour the puree into a sterilised bottle. Store in the fridge. To serve, mix equal parts soda water and boysenberr­y puree. Decorate with boysenberr­y and kawakawa crisps (spread boysenberr­y pulp on a dehydrator tray and dry for 18 hours at 70C).

Simple syrup: Makes 750ml 500ml water 500g white sugar

Put sugar and water in a heavy pot set over medium heat. Bring to a simmer, stirring until the sugar has completely dissolved. Remove from heat and allow to cool, then transfer to a clean bottle or jar. Store in the fridge or in a cool, dark place.

 ??  ?? Extract from Hiakai ,by Monique Fiso (Godwit, Random House NZ, RRP $65).
Text © Monique Fiso, 2020 Photograph­y © Amber-jayne Bain, 2020
Extract from Hiakai ,by Monique Fiso (Godwit, Random House NZ, RRP $65). Text © Monique Fiso, 2020 Photograph­y © Amber-jayne Bain, 2020

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