Weekend Herald

Freshwater spin


John Key announced New Zealand would be predator- free by 2050 — a meaningles­s statement as it depends on all the variables of 30 years and no one to hold this Government to account in 2050. Equally meaningles­s is the statement all waterways will be swimmable by 2040 as the Government have adjusted the way this is measured. Double the level of E. coli per ml of water will be tolerated, rather than cleaning up the waterways for real.

This, they say, will cost $ 2 billion over the next 23 years, which sounds like a lot of money but is not much at all when spread over 23 years. Bill English says this is achievable. It's more than achievable, because it’s not much. It is spin to try and fool the electorate in an election year. Niall Robertson, Balmoral.

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