Weekend Herald

Tip of the Week


When casting soft baits among rocks and white water, the lure should be dropped as close to the edge as possible, then allowed to sink a little before retrieving with short jerks of the rod while winding in the slack line. As with bait fishing, keeping in touch with the lure is a critical part of the process. Fish will sometimes grab the lure while it is sinking so the line should be kept tight so a bite will be felt. Baits can be allowed to sink slowly, but if left too long will snag among weed so should be moved slowly by lifting the rod and carefully taking up the slack with the reel. For the strike, steady pressure is better than a sudden heave on the rod.

Bite times

Bite times are 12.15pm today, and 12.50am and 1.20pm tomorrow. More fishing action can be found at GTTackle. co. nz.

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