Weekend Herald

Question time


How good is your knowledge of the week in politics?

1. Which Wellington attraction did British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson visit? a. Johnson’s Hill b. Te Papa c. Zealandia 2. What reason did Prime Minister Bill English have for missing Question Time on Wednesday? a. Emergency tooth surgery b. He wanted to watch his son play a special rugby game. c. He missed his flight from Auckland. 3. Who was speaking Maori in Parliament when New Zealand First leader Winston Peters criticised him? a. Labour MP Peeni Henare b. National MP Nuk Korako c. Maori Party co- leader Te Ururoa Flavell 4. Green Party co- leader Metiria Turei said she would do what next week? a. Meet MSD investigat­ors about her welfare debt. b. Meet with her old flatmates. c. Make a personal explanatio­n in Parliament. 5. Which MP sponsored the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill which passed its second reading? a. United Future leader Peter Dunne b. Labour leader Andrew Little c. Labour MP Phil Twyford 6. Who has been visiting New Zealand this week? a. The US Attorney General b. The US Supreme Court Chief Justice c. The US FBI chief 7. Which party has promised to create a National Cancer Agency to ensure people have the same level of cancer care across the country? a. Labour b. New Zealand First c. Greens 8. Which MP stopped to help a man having seizures from synthetic cannabis on an Auckland street? a. New Zealand First MP Tracey Martin b. Green MP Julie Anne Genter c. National MP Melissa Lee 9. Which New Zealand First member accused the Government of having secret plans to sell off the national grid? a. Ron Mark b. Richard Prosser c. Winston Peters 10. What is Labour launching tomorrow? a. Manawatu Gorge policy b. Maori electorate campaign c. A campaign slogan

Answers: 1. c2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. a 8.b 9. a 10. b

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