Weekend Herald

A quick word


What I saw on TV last night was a freshly cleancut Joseph Parker looking really sharp to take out his big fight coming up. So from us all in New Zealand, all the very best. Gary Stewart, Foxton Beach. With electric vehicles able to use transit lanes, could the NZTA please put a picture of a motorcycle on the lane signs. I don’t want to die because some angry, uneducated buffoon thinks I’m trying to be a smart ass every morning. Ricky Russo, Laingholm. Paul Simei- Barton says my play, Last Legs, includes “generous dollops of Benny Hill style sexual shenanigan­s”. Not true. Benny Hill never succeeded sexually on his shows ( nor in real life). My characters have much more luck. Roger Hall, Takapuna. Why isn’t the Southern Motorway expansion being worked on 24/ 7. This would speed up completion, reduce congestion at peak traffic times and lower the cost in real terms. Working office hours on such projects just will not cut it. John Laing, Drury. In their last two games at North Harbour ( QBE) Stadium, the All Blacks have scored a whopping 148 points to nil. Can they play there every week? Andrew Delves, Milford. Doesn’t Donald Trump’s threat to obliterate North Korea smack slightly of the ridiculous? Does he also intend to change his catchphras­e, “You’re fired” to, in Kim’s case, “You’re fried”? Jeremy Coleman, Hillpark. Could the story of a digger damaging the pipeline have been generated to screen the possibilit­y of corrosion being the cause of the failure? This would mean the whole length of the pipe could be vulnerable. Gary Ferguson, Epsom. There seems to be a consensus that the Electoral Commission is doing a good job. Yet there are hundreds of thousands of mainly young New Zealanders who aren’t involved yet. Michael Laurie, Mangere Bridge. As Raybon Kan correctly notes, “One positive is that the world now knows we have an airport.” I suspect however, that once the fuel issue is resolved, “the world” will just as quickly forget there is a place called Auckland. D. B. Smith, Napier. Unbelievab­le. Your front page headlined a coming celebrity- chef cooking show while the threat by the US President, which could see us all fried to a nuclear crisp, was buried on page 21. M. P. Evans, Tamaki.

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