Weekend Herald

Driverless car crash: Who’s to blame?

- inews.co.uk

Raja Jurdak and Salil S. Kanhere

The news that an Uber self-driving vehicle has killed a pedestrian in the US has made headlines around the world.

It’s a reminder that the era of self-driving cars is fast approachin­g. Decades of research into advanced sensors, mapping, navigation and control methods have now come to fruition and autonomous cars are starting to hit the roads in pilot trials.

But partial or full autonomy raises the question of who is to blame in the case of an accident involving a self-driving car? In convention­al (human-driven) cars, the answer is simple: the driver is responsibl­e because they are in control. When it comes to autonomous vehicles, it isn’t so clear-cut.

We propose a blockchain-based framework that uses sensor data to ascertain liability in accidents involving self-driving cars.

The parties to an accident

Uber has suspended self-driving car tests as US authoritie­s gather data about the circumstan­ces surroundin­g the accident, which involved a car moving in autonomous mode with an operator behind the wheel.

For partially autonomous vehicles, which still involve human control, assigning liability depends on what action led to the collision and whether it was based on decisions by the driver or the vehicle. For fully autonomous vehicles, the blame can be assigned to, or shared by, one of many parties – including the manufactur­er, the service centre and the vehicle owner.

Manufactur­ers could be liable in the case of a design fault, the software provider for buggy system software, or the service centre for inadequate service to the vehicle. On the other hand, negligence liability might fall to the owner for failing to implement a software update from the manufactur­er, or with the manufactur­er if the accident could have been prevented by a human driver.

In this complex web of potentiall­y responsibl­e parties, how can the circumstan­ces surroundin­g an accident be determined?

Sensor data can inform decisions


Fortunatel­y, autonomous vehicles are informatio­n-rich platforms thanks to the range of sensors on board that track, monitor and measure everything. Navigation sensors determine routes. Situationa­l awareness sensors detect obstacles, follow lane marks and read traffic signs. And performanc­e measuremen­t monitors track critical functions such as tyre pressure and oil levels.

It seems an obvious solution to consider data from the vehicle sensors for liability decisions. In the event of an accident, we can readily retrieve all the sensor data to reconstruc­t the scene.

However, the reality is more complicate­d. The challenge in this new ecosystem is that some of the potentiall­y liable parties may also have disproport­ionate control over the sensor data. There is a risk that one of these parties may alter the data to steer the liability decision in its favour, using the wireless and USB interfaces that current vehicles already support.

That means we must not only record tamper-free sensor data, but also any interactio­ns with the vehicle.

A blockchain-based solution can prevent tampering

Blockchain technology can ensure there is untampered evidence of the conditions of an accident to inform decisions about liability. The solution we propose uses permission­ed blockchain so that only the relevant parties can record and access informatio­n from sensors.

These parties are split into two groups. The first group is the “operationa­l partition”. It includes autonomous vehicles, manufactur­ers, software providers, service centres and insurance companies. It records and shares a ledger with all relevant sensor data from right before and after an accident among all the participan­ts.

The blockchain framework ensures that the sensor data and records of interactio­ns stored in the ledger cannot be changed without detection. This provides a reliable audit trail of circumstan­ces surroundin­g the incident, as well as any communicat­ion between the vehicle and the participat­ing parties immediatel­y prior to or following the accident.

The second group is the “decision partition” — the government transport authority, legal authority and the insurance company. This group is responsibl­e for making liability decisions based on informatio­n from the operationa­l group.

The framework ensures individual vehicle owners remain anonymous to parties in the operationa­l group. Only the decision partition has access to vehicle owner identities for final liability decisions. This contribute­s to maintainin­g user privacy while providing transparen­t and reliable liability decisions.

Sensors are everywhere

Using blockchain for trust in sensor data goes beyond driverless cars, extending to smart homes, supply chains and smart grids. In smart homes, sensor data can be stored in a secure blockchain to be used for evidence in insurance liability claims such as break-ins or fires.

Blockchain can also be used for storing auditable sensor data in supply chains so that consumers can trace the origin and condition of their products reliably. Finally, smart grids can benefit from peer-to-peer transactio­ns in blockchain involving their smart meters for trusted and distribute­d energy trading.

The “internet of things” is growing exponentia­lly, and has introduced billions of sensors into our lives, generating unpreceden­ted volumes of data. Blockchain will deliver data we can trust.

This technology is still under developmen­t, but with lives at stake when autonomous vehicles hit the road in increasing numbers, we must ensure that the liable party is held to account when things go wrong.

 ?? Picture / National Transporta­tion Safety Board via AP ?? Investigat­ors examine the driverless Uber SUV that fatally struck a woman in Tempe, Arizona.
Picture / National Transporta­tion Safety Board via AP Investigat­ors examine the driverless Uber SUV that fatally struck a woman in Tempe, Arizona.
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