Weekend Herald

Selling your enthusiasm

- Tom O’Neil

Throughout my career I have interviewe­d thousands of candidates for all sorts of jobs. Most of these people tried their best to communicat­e to me why they were the most skilled or qualified candidate for the role, however, the majority missed the most important quality I needed to know in my employment decision. Are they genuinely enthusiast­ic about the job opportunit­y and working for my business or client?

People are not aware that most of the time, employers don’t just want the most purely skilled or qualified candidate for the vacancy, they are also seeking the candidate that is best aligned with the internal culture of their business. Skills you can teach, however, someone who has a genuine passion for the job, organisati­on and / or industry, is worth their weight in gold to an employer.

Best Candidate?

Throughout my time as a business owner, I have never hired anyone that I didn’t feel was enthusiast­ic about the role I was offering. I don’t want to have to work on a daily basis with someone who is “just there for the money”.

On many occasions I have employed a new staff member who may not have been the most skilled candidate of the bunch. However, they successful­ly communicat­ed to me their desire to work for my company and demonstrat­ed a genuine passion to learn and upskill as quickly as possible.

For example, if I had two candidates for a vacancy, one who was 90 per cent skilled and the other who was 70 per cent skilled for the role, convention­al wisdom would state that I would employ the first candidate. However, what if the first candidate was only 20 per cent motivated and enthusiast­ic for my opportunit­y, while the second candidate was 100 per cent motivated and enthusiast­ic? The overall scores would quickly reverse if the second candidate could assure me that they could improve their skill level over the short to medium term.

Why do you want to work here?

Don’t be afraid to talk about the research you have undertaken in regard to the business and industry too. This demonstrat­es you are not just interested in the job but are also keen for further career developmen­t opportunit­ies as they present themselves over the long term.

As a candidate, enthusiasm is a major part of your unique value propositio­n. While other applicants may be able to demonstrat­e more competency across a range of skills or tasks, or promote higher-level learning than you possess, demonstrat­ing your enthusiasm for the job, organisati­on or industry (hopefully all three) will ensure you move to the top of the pile during the interview process.

Remember, however, if you can’t drum up enthusiasm for the role, company or industry, you shouldn’t really be applying.

Contact Tom to be your personal

● career coach. Visit www.CV.co.nz to find out more.

 ?? Picture / Getty Images ?? Someone who has a genuine passion for the job is priceless to an employer.
Picture / Getty Images Someone who has a genuine passion for the job is priceless to an employer.
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