Weekend Herald

What would the Astroman cast and crew bring back from the 80s?




The 80s were cool; it was a simpler time, also a more naive time but I’m glad we’re growing up as a society and prefer the now. If I could bring back one thing, it would be Space Lego. Why? Because . . . Space Lego . . .



I was a kid in the 1980s and everything was big. I had a vinyl jacket from New York and a Golden Bicycle which are the two things — sigh — that I would bring back.



I loved the clothes. It was the decade when I went from new wave to punk to vintage. The op shops were full of gems. Then there was the music. I got my first job in a music store; vinyl was the most popular way to consume music. I still have vinyl from then. In 1984, my friend Kelly Tamou and I won a signed Culture Club record from the TV show Shazam. We had collected the most signatures for a petition to get them to come to New Zealand. They never did. I love the fact our country stood up against apartheid in 1981, became nuclear free in 1984 and passed the Homosexual Law Reform Bill in 1986.



Yes, I miss the 80s because I had an HMX500, a commodore 64, endless summer days at the beach and my first kiss in the sand dunes. What would I bring back? Snifters — and we all know why.



I have only a vague memory of the 80s. Sometimes it merges with the 90s, which makes sense I suppose. I do remember being very young and loving the Atari that Dad brought home. Man, we were flash.

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