Weekend Herald

Vikki’s journey


Tuesday June 9

An evening phone call from Ryan, in Hamilton, to mum Vikki in the Peruvian city of Cusco, breaks the news that he has received a diagnosis of terminal liver cancer.

Wednesday June 10

A frantic Vikki begins planning her route home to New Zealand. But confronts the problem there are no available seats on the only flight out of the Peruvian capital of Lima into the US.

Thursday June 11

Eastern Airlines call to say they had rung every passenger on board their flight from Lima to Miami until someone gave up their seat for Vikki.

Thursday June 18

Back in Hamilton, Ryan receives his biopsy from Waikato Hospital confirming he has incurable liver cancer.

Monday June 22

9.15am Vikki leaves Cusco after online social media page ‘Americans stuck in Peru’ help secure her a chartered minibus along the 1100km road to Lima.

Tuesday June 23

3pm Vikki reaches Lima, after what she describes as the worst road trip of her life.

Wednesday June 24 8am

Vikki waits outside the US embassy in Lima for processing in order to board her Eastern Airlines flight departing for Miami at 3.30pm.

Thursday June 25

7.20am Vikki leaves Miami on a flight to Los Angeles, with a stop off in Dallas Her Air NZ flight leaves LA at 9.05pm.

Saturday June 27

Vikki’s flight arrives in Auckland and she is immediatel­y bussed to Crowne Plaza hotel to begin 14 days quarantine. She spends the final 10 days not leaving her room for fear of contact with a Covid-19 positive guest.

Saturday July 11

Vikki receives her final negative Covid-19 test result at 10am and leaves quarantine. Her brother Rodney picks her up in his RV and drives her the final step to Ryan in Hamilton. At midday, Vikki is finally reunited with Ryan.

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