Weekend Herald

Question time


1. Which minister was given the Workplace Relations portfolio after the PM sacked Iain LeesGallow­ay this week? a. Chris Hipkins b. Andrew Little c. Kris Faafoi

2. Which of these MPs has announced they will stand down at the election? a. National MP Ian McKelvie b. Labour MP Raymond Huo c. National MP Nick Smith

3. What nickname did Director General of Health Ashley Bloomfield give himself for a Parliament­ary rugby game? a. The Untouchabl­e b. The Hospital Pass c. The Eliminator

4. On Twitter, what did NZ First leader Winston Peters say he

would beat Act leader David Seymour in? a. poker b. a boxing match c. a fishing tournament

5. Who described NZ First as “an agent of chaos“? a. Act leader David Seymour b. NZ First leader Winston Peters c. Green Party co-leader James Shaw

6. How much of the $50 billion Covid-19 Fund has the Finance Minister set aside for a future emergency? a. none of it b. $14 billion c. $20 billion

7. Where did two friends of Winston Peters go on a Government funded trip? a. Antarctica

b. c. Chile Cook Islands

8. What electorate did former National MP Andrew Falloon represent? a. Selwyn b. Rangitata c. Waitaki

9. How much does National say it would charge returning New

Zealanders for quarantine? a. nothing b. $2000 c. $3000

10. Which MP has offered a reward to dob in the person vandalisin­g his hoardings?

a. Labour MP Tamati Coffey b. National MP Chris Bishop c. National MP Lawrence Yule Answers: 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. b 9. c 10. a

 ?? Iain LeesGallow­ay ??
Iain LeesGallow­ay

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