Weekend Herald

Gang’s Auckland-motorway motorcycle ride has police on watch


Police will be

. . . gathering evidence of any breaches. Simon Walker, police

Police are warning of a motorcycle run involving members of the Hells Angels Nomads gang to be held in the North Shore and Rodney areas of Auckland today.

Simon Walker of Waitemata¯ police, said previous rides worried the community because of unsafe driving by those involved.

“Police will be actively monitoring this event to ensure that it is conducted in a safe manner and will be gathering evidence of any breaches of traffic regulation­s or unsafe behaviour.”

He said police would prosecute anyone who committed offences or placed other road users and the community at risk.

Anyone who sees unsafe driving should note registrati­on numbers and where possible film the behaviour, Walker said.

On Waitangi Day, hundreds of illegal motorcycli­sts “terrified” people on Auckland’s streets, pulling off dangerous stunts and even blocking a section of motorway.

A video showed riders doing burnouts, blowing thick smoke through the building traffic. Witnesses said it was amazing no one was killed.

The “event” was promoted through social-media accounts, many using the term “bikelife”.

Today’s bike ride comes after police seized eight dirt, road and quad bikes in a crackdown on illegal riding, and growing fears a death was “only a matter of time”.

Counties Manukau police fear the upsurge of illegal dirt bike riding and dangerous stunts on roads is putting lives at risk.

They revealed yesterday there had been at least three serious traffic crashes involving dirt and quad bikers on South Auckland roads, severely injuring one rider.

A quad bike rider without a helmet was injured in coming off a bike on Yates Rd in Ma¯ngere but when police went to the crash scene, no rider or bike was found. Later they found a male at a nearby address with “significan­t “injuries being treated by ambulance. Two bikes were impounded from the property and police said the rider could be charged.

In the past week, police have also received reports of dirt bikers being injured after crashing into vehicles in

O¯ tara and Ma¯ngere Bridge, including on February 19, when a male without a helmet drove through a red light in O¯ tara and crashed into a vehicle. He was taken to hospital with moderate injuries. Charges are likely.

Counties Manukau road policing manager inspector Kay Lane warned it was only a matter of time before a rider died: “In general, these dirt bike riders show little regard for their own safety or the safety of those around them on the roads.

“We are continuing to see riders put themselves and other motorists in significan­t danger by driving recklessly, carrying out dangerous stunts and failing to wear helmets. We are appealing to these riders to stop putting themselves and other road users at risk.”

Last weekend, police impounded three dirt bikes and two road bikes after reports of riders damaging turf at Ma¯ngere’s Walter Massey Park and the Howick Golf Course at Musick Pt, Bucklands Beach, on Sunday. Their antics also put bystanders in danger.

Some of the riders dumped their bikes in bushes and fled on foot when police arrived at the golf course. Officers found and seized five bikes, one of which was stolen. A youth was apprehende­d and inquiries are ongoing to identify others. Police also seized a quad bike ripping up turf at Walter Massey Park and further action against the rider is likely.

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