Weekend Herald

Ready for change? A coach can help


Personal developmen­t and business coach Adair Good says business has boomed for her since the pandemic hit.

Each day brings another client needing advice on how to change their career, start a business, or make a significan­t lifestyle change.

“People realise some of these changes are too big to manage alone and are seeking profession­al help and assistance,” she said.

“Some of these changes are being done to us and others are changes we are making of our own choosing.”

Good set her own goals during lockdown and added a therapist qualificat­ion to her skills.

“A lot of people seeking to make profession­al or personal change actually need counsellin­g and therapy before they can start,” Good said.

“I realised I could be a much greater help if I was able to provide this service as well.”

Here are her six tips on managing change:

1 Acceptance is key to managing change

With Covid, we need to accept that life is different now and we need to adapt to a new way of life. Working from home, online learning, Covid tracing, vaccine passports, for instance, are all new situations that we’ve all had to adjust to. The quicker you accept change, the smoother your transition.

Businesses that recognised the need for change early into Covid and pivoted to keep operating have survived. Others sadly have closed their doors.

We need to accept that life is different now and we need to adapt to a new way of life.

2 Change is constant

Only concern yourself about

the changes that affect you right now and change the things you have control over and don’t stress about the rest.

Park the things you can’t control. This will alleviate any stress you might be feeling about the change you have no control over. Just focus on the things you can control.

If you need help, discuss it with someone you can trust.

3 Make a plan for change

Have a plan A and a plan B; it’s important to build in a contingenc­y in case things change again. Make a list of what you will need to do to make the changes required. Try to break it down into logical steps; this will make it much easier to handle.

4 Ask yourself key questions before making any changes

Will I still want my life to look like this in one year? In three years? In five years?

Visualise your future: What do I really want my life to look like? This is where you paint a compelling picture of what you do want. Think about this in the form of the following categories: personal,

relationsh­ips, financial, profession­al, physical and spiritual — write down in as much detail as you can, it’s helpful to be specific about what you want.

5 Don’t change everything at once

Make a list of those things you want to change (or need change) and prioritise what’s most important right now. Change only those parts of your life that are necessary.

Ensure you are settled with any major change that has happened, before making any other changes. Consider those who may be affected by any change you make and communicat­e with them.


Be kind and patient with yourself through the change process

Be aware of your emotions during this time and allow yourself to feel whatever you feel. Managing change makes us more resilient and able to handle future change if needed, as inevitably things will change again. Being ready and resilient for change in your personal or profession­al life is a major factor in living a fulfilled and happy life.

 ?? ?? Adair Good says many people are seeking help during Covid-19.
Adair Good says many people are seeking help during Covid-19.

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