Weekend Herald

Haircare brand ready to tackle 2022 head-on

Jaimee Lupton, co-Founder of MONDAY haircare, talks to Jane Phare about launching into four new markets and selling 7 million bottles of product in spite of Covid-19


How would you describe 2021 for your business?

In some ways the past year has been incredibly exciting for the brand and our business, and then in others it’s been incredibly challengin­g. We’ve been really lucky all things considered, and have supportive retail partners who’ve helped accommodat­e shipping delays and their knock-on effects. We’ve still managed to launch into four huge new markets this year and ship 7 million bottles — they just took longer to get there than we would have liked.

How is your business planning to tackle 2022?

Head on! We’ve really been reminded of the importance of remaining flexible and adapting quickly to change, but it’s shown us that we really can handle anything.

What will be the major challenges and/or opportunit­ies for your industry?

There are so many brands out there doing great things, it’s becoming more and more important to bring people something that resonates with them and excites them. Big retailers especially are looking for accessible and inclusive brands such as MONDAY that tick all those boxes. TikTok is a huge growth opportunit­y for brands that are tapped into the demographi­c, and we’ve worked hard to leverage our natural connection with our audience there. We are now the most-liked haircare brand on TikTok!

How do you think the Government has handled the Covid-19 crisis?

I think there was a lack of forwardpla­nning and plenty of missed opportunit­ies to make the most of our head start, but really the Government did the best they probably could with what they knew.

I think what made it tougher was feeling as though the rest of the world was moving forward when we were still in the throes of things, but it was never going to be a straight line, and probably still isn’t. I do worry about the mental health of the country, and young people facing an uncertain future, but it’s been heartwarmi­ng to see people largely treat each other with kindness and empathy.

What are two key things the Government should do for economic recovery?

Invest more into our hospitals and building our healthcare system so it’s more robust and resilient. We . . . are still largely in the same position we were when the pandemic started. And I would have liked to see small businesses open sooner. It feels like we could have safely support them more.

What are your prediction­s for 2022?

The pandemic isn’t going to be “over” in the way we probably expected [going into] 2022. It’s more about something we have to get used to living with. The goalposts for the new normal seem to be moving all the time.

What’s the worst mistake you’ve made in business?

People often talk about “mistakes” in business like they’re clear-cut moments you can pinpoint, but often running your own business is a series of little mistakes that are really just little things you realise you can do differentl­y next time, or make incrementa­l improvemen­ts to. I’ve learned you have to keep moving and not let the fear of making the wrong decision slow you down.

What would you rate as your greatest success in business?

As a brand, we’ve now sold 7 million bottles and won 10 beauty awards. But for me personally it’s about the people I’m surrounded with and the team I’ve built. Without them, MONDAY would still just be an idea floating around in my head.

 ?? ?? Jaimee Lupton says the past year has been a lesson in the value of being able to adapt quickly.
Jaimee Lupton says the past year has been a lesson in the value of being able to adapt quickly.

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