Weekend Herald

‘We’re better than this, NZ - aren’t we?’

Kiwi reporter in Afghanista­n pens open letter on MIQ battle


MYou need to get married or get out.

Doha doctor

y name is Charlotte Bellis and I am from Christchur­ch New Zealand, but based in Afghanista­n. You might know me for being that Kiwi journalist who asked the Taliban in their inaugural press conference; “what will you do to protect the rights of women and girls?”

What no one has known, until now, is that I conceived a little girl a week after that press conference. For years I had been told by doctors I would never have children. I threw myself into my career and made my peace with it. Now, during the fall of Kabul, a miracle.

I was deployed to Afghanista­n by Al Jazeera from my base in Doha, Qatar. When I returned to Doha in September, I realised I was a few days late. Impossible, I thought, I can’t be pregnant, surely it was the stress of the last few months. But if I was? It is illegal to be pregnant and unmarried in Qatar. Jim, my partner and a The New York Times photograph­er, was in Kabul and couldn’t get out. I couldn’t get back into New Zealand. I went to a pharmacy with a cover story about buying a pregnancy test for a married friend and returned to my apartment. I took the test and rang my mother in Auckland. I was pregnant.

I made an appointmen­t with a gynaecolog­ist in Doha. At the reception, the first question they asked was “what is your name?” The second, “are you pregnant?” I froze. “Umm no, just here for a check-up?”

I asked the doctor, hypothetic­ally, if I was pregnant, would you tell the police. She said “I won’t, but I can’t treat you and I can only say you need to get married or get out of the country as soon as possible.”

With Jim stuck in Kabul, we made a plan to keep everything secret until I was safely out of Qatar and try to get an MIQ spot in New Zealand. I immediatel­y started playing the MIQ lottery, waking up at 3am and staring at my computer, only to miss out time and again. I resigned from Al Jazeera in November, losing my income, health insurance and residency. I can’t tell you the number of questions I got: Why now? Why are you leaving? It doesn’t make sense? I clearly wasn’t very convincing in my ‘just time for a change’ answers.

Then, some relief. The Government announced that New Zealand would open to citizens at the end of February. The timing was perfect. I would be 29 weeks pregnant and could get back in time for our little girl’s birth in May. Foreigners would be allowed in from the end of April, so Jim could be there for the birth too. We booked flights home and found a midwife in Christchur­ch.

We pondered about where to wait. We flew to Jim’s home country of Belgium, but I was not a resident. Kiwis can only spend three of every six months in the Schengen zone and I had used half of that by the time January came around. We wanted to keep time up our sleeves for an emergency, so decided to rebase. The problem was the only other place we had visas to live was Afghanista­n. I organised a meeting with senior Taliban contacts, “you know how I am dating Jim from The New York Times, but we’re not married, right?” “Yes, yes, we respect you both and you are foreigners, that is up to you.” I nervously continued. “Well, I am pregnant and I can’t get back into New Zealand. If I come to Kabul, will we have a problem?” One translated for the other and they smiled. “No, we’re happy for you, you can come and you won’t have a problem. Just tell people you’re married and if it escalates, call us. Don’t worry.”

When the Taliban offers you — a pregnant, unmarried woman — safe haven, you know your situation is messed up.

Soon after, the February border reopening was “delayed” and the lottery suspended. We were devastated. There was no way home other than to apply for emergency MIQ spots. We had read the horror stories of pregnant women being rejected, seen the statistics of just 5 per cent of Kiwis being approved if they were unable to stay in their current location and only 14 per cent being approved if there was a risk to their health and safety. We talked to Grounded Kiwis and lawyer Tudor Clee, who agreed to take our case pro bono and had a track record of helping pregnant Kiwis stuck abroad.

We got letters from New Zealand obstetrici­ans and medical experts to confirm the dangers of giving birth in Afghanista­n and the impact of high stress during pregnancy. We included ultrasound­s, letters in support of our relationsh­ip, bank statements, our Covid vaccinatio­ns including boosters, evidence of my resignatio­n and our travel itinerary since. Jim and I submitted 59 documents to MIQ and Immigratio­n NZ, including a cover letter written by our lawyer summarisin­g our situation.

On Monday, January 24, we woke up to an email. We were rejected.

Firstly, because our travel dates were more than 14 days out — something we did purposeful­ly because flights are difficult to get out of Kabul and to give us time to appeal if we were rejected. And secondly, because MIQ said “you did not provide any evidence” that “you have a scheduled medical treatment in New Zealand”, that it is “timecritic­al” and that “you cannot obtain or access the same treatment in your current location”.

Our location being Afghanista­n. It finished with: we have “deactivate­d your applicatio­n”.

I had tried to prepare for this. I thought I would cry, but I was in shock. I had done everything they asked. What was the threshold? What more can I do? How did they want me to prove that giving birth was a scheduled, time-critical medical treatment? Did they want me to be induced so there was a firm date? And how to prove that Afghanista­n did not offer the same maternity care as in New Zealand? I thought about sending them a story I did in October at a maternity hospital in Kabul where they had no power so were delivering by cell phones at night. They couldn’t do caesarean deliveries and the only medicine they had were tabs of paracetamo­l wrapped in crinkled newspaper. The hospital staff said even those would run out in a month’s time. The UN wrote recently that they expect an extra 50,000 women will die during childbirth in Afghanista­n by 2025 because of the state of maternity care. Note “extra” — the total will be closer to 70,000.

Here, getting pregnant can be a death sentence.

So, we would fight. I would not give birth in Afghanista­n. I was determined to leave by 30 weeks for fear of her coming early, in which case the treatment would likely be a warm blanket and a prayer. In Belgium, I would be an illegal overstayer without health insurance.

I called my lawyer and told him we need to appeal. I called Gemma Ross, a close friend in PR in Auckland and asked her advice, was it time we talk to the media? And, I talked to a politician I knew, complainin­g about how it didn’t make sense, how we were preparing a legal response and to talk publicly about our experience. I understand Minister Chris Hipkins was then told of our case.

And this is where the story gets interestin­g.

On Wednesday, January 26, I had an unsolicite­d MIQ email. It began: “We have reviewed your emergency allocation applicatio­n . . .”

They asked for proof of Jim’s immigratio­n status. There was no mention of my applicatio­n, although it was no longer deactivate­d, but “in progress” on the MIQ portal. I replied to the email, stating Jim had applied for a Critical Purpose Visitor Visa and forwarded his communicat­ion.

On Thursday, January 27, Jim woke up to an email from Immigratio­n NZ.

His visa was approved and he could now apply for an emergency MIQ spot.

My lawyer, who has represente­d nearly 30 pregnant New Zealand women declined by MIQ , has never seen such a turnaround. Why us? Should I be grateful that we appear to be getting preferenti­al treatment and our case progressin­g after Minister Hipkins’ office heard of an incoming political headache? I imagine them saying “just make it go away, give them the spots”. I am not the first to experience such scapegoati­ng of liability. My lawyer has taken MIQ to court eight times on behalf of rejected, pregnant Kiwis. Just before the case, every time, MIQ miraculous­ly finds them a room. It’s an effective way to quash a case and avoid setting a legal precedent that would find that MIQ does in fact breach New Zealand’s Bill of Rights.

While Jim and I still have not been approved to return to New Zealand, I will not sit in Kabul, hopeful they will slide us through the back door of MIQ. They rejected us, like they have so many thousands of other desperate New Zealanders, and seemingly, because of who we are and the resources we have. They have quietly overturned their ruling and are now “reviewing our applicatio­n”.

The decision of who should get an emergency MIQ spot is not made on a level playing field, lacks ethical reasoning and pits our most vulnerable against each other. MIQ has set aside hundreds of emergency rooms for evacuating Afghan citizens, and I was told maybe, as a tax-paying, rates-paying New Zealander, I can get home on their allotment. Is this the Hunger Games? Pitting desperate NZ citizens against terrified Afghan allies for access to safety? Who is more important — let’s let MIQ decide.

In some ways it feels like we are poking the MIQ bull with our case pending, but I feel compelled to speak out. As a journalist I have asked people in much more vulnerable positions to tell their story because — maybe — it will make a difference. Now it is my turn.

I am writing this because I believe in transparen­cy and I believe that we as a country are better than this. Jacinda Ardern is better than this. I am writing this to find solutions for MIQ so that New Zealanders both at home and abroad are safe and protected. I write this for the people who send me messages every day: I need treatment, my father has months to live, I missed my loved one’s funeral, I’m in danger, or my visa has expired, I have nowhere to go . . . and I’ve been rejected. I do not have a pathway home.

Our story is unique in context, but not in desperatio­n.

The morning we were rejected, I sobbed in my window overlookin­g Kabul’s snow-covered rooftops. I wasn’t triggered by the disappoint­ment and uncertaint­y, but by the breach of trust. That in my time of need, the New Zealand Government said you’re not welcome here.

It feels surreal to even write that. And so, I cried. I thought, I hope this never happens again. I thought, we are so much better than this. I thought back to August, and how brutally ironic it was, that I had asked the Taliban what they would do to ensure the rights of women and girls. And now, I am asking the same question of my own Government.

 ?? Photos / Jim Huylebroek ?? Charlotte Bellis is striving to get home to give birth after working as an Al Jazeera journalist.
Photos / Jim Huylebroek Charlotte Bellis is striving to get home to give birth after working as an Al Jazeera journalist.

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