Weekend Herald

A quick word


I am pleased to see pseudoephe­drine will be back in pharmacies soon for people who need it. It worked for me, and nothing else available has worked as well since. If it was thought that some people would go from pharmacy to pharmacy to get enough to manufactur­e P there is a simple solution — do what the United States does. There it is available over the counter without prescripti­on, but you have to have an ID and address and that is entered into a database and flagged if someone is trying to buy an excess amount. I’m sure that system wouldn’t be too hard to set up here. Annette Turner, Warkworth

Surely 1News isn’t so cash-strapped it can’t afford an umbrella for drenched Thomas Mead reporting from the sodden West Coast? Two nights in a row he was soaking wet.

Robert Howell, Onehunga

I am dismayed that TVNZ has decided to cancel Fair Go. This is such an entertaini­ng and worthwhile programme. For many years the people of New Zealand have been able to use the threat of exposure on Fair Go to bring shonky tradesmen and other people who had ripped them off to account. It is a backward step in consumer rights to cancel this show. Jennifer Paxton, St Heliers

Many parents are unable to take leave during the school holiday due to company policy or being self-employed. School holidays — not always overseas during term time — are the only option for family holidays. The Government needs to focus on those children who are regularly absent from school on Mondays and Fridays and when it is raining.

Pauline Murray, Henderson

I have worked shift work most of my life. I was never able to take holidays during routine school time, so not all of out-of-school holiday time is financiall­y motivated. The school was very accommodat­ing and the travel experience was more educationa­l than any class time. On the issue of schoolwork whilst on holiday; get real people, these kids are not undertakin­g PhD studies. They will catch up.

John Ford, Taradale

The Great Depression taught us through John Maynard Keynes that a recession, even a slight one, is no time to cut public sector staff and expenditur­es. Doing so will exacerbate the recession. The appropriat­e policy is to increase public sector expenditur­es and finance them with borrowing. What in the world are these Coalition Government people thinking?

Robert Myers, Auckland CBD

I hope when the Remunerati­on Authority reports the latest politician­s’ salary increase that all the coalition politician­s refuse it or donate it all to charity. They’re cutting other government budgets, so it would be disgusting for them to accept a salary increase. Rick Vine, Ponsonby

The decision to remove Auckland’s litter bins is inconsider­ate, dirty, unhelpful, wasteful and unhygienic.

John Norris, Whangamata¯

Shame on Greens coleader Chloe Swarbrick actively encouragin­g schoolchil­dren to demonstrat­e during school hours when attendance is at an alltime low. Using children for political point-scoring is a fresh low for an MP. It certainly reveals where Swarbrick’s integrity lies.

Bill Capamagian, Tauranga

Instead of demanding “safe places” at a university, wouldn’t it be better if the whole university was a safe place?

K.H. Peter Kammler, Warkworth

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