Woman’s Day (New Zealand)



G Goldieldi and dK Kurt t fellf ll ini lovel on camera. Th Theiri joint credits are 1968’s TheOneandO­nly, Genuine, Original Family Band ,1984’ sS wing Shift and 1987’s Overboard. Daughter Kate says the couple’s films were often a family affair, and she and brothers Oliver and Wyatt would join their parents on set. “[Wyatt] took his first steps on Overboard,” she says.

 ??  ?? With their on-screen kids in Overboard.
With their on-screen kids in Overboard.
 ??  ?? Their heartwarmi­ng romance has been caught on camera.
Their heartwarmi­ng romance has been caught on camera.
 ??  ?? Kurt really blew Goldie away while filming SwingShift!
Kurt really blew Goldie away while filming SwingShift!

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