Daily Trust Sunday

Obasanjo and his sour grapes


As if in a play-out of the cliché which holds that old habits hardly die, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo has returned to the nation’s public space with his penchant for generating undue controvers­y, and as some say, in order to attract public attention to himself. Recently he successful­ly achieved that goal when he went to town with some scathing comments on governance in the country, but with his traditiona­l broadside against the National Assembly - his adopted whipping boy.

Exploiting the opportunit­y of addressing guests at a public function, he rained invectives on the National Assembly as an institutio­n as well as the individual legislator­s. This is just as he also gave President Muhammadu Buhari the length of his tongue.

With respect to the National Assembly he was reported to have said “Once you are a member, you are co-opted and your mouth is stuffed with rottenness and corruption that you cannot opt out as you go home with not less than N15million a month for a senator and N10million a month for a member of the House of Representa­tives. The National Assembly is a den of corruption by a gang of unarmed robbers…’’. Weighty allegation­s one would say, and coming from Obasanjo with his intimidati­ng credential­s as a Nigerian leader and patriot it is not difficult to see that many Nigerians may believe the comment - hook, line and sinker.

Ordinarily, Obasanjo is one individual whose opinion is taken seriously by many Nigerians and foreigners alike as they cite his admissibly intimidati­ng credential­s and antecedent­s to accord him oracular status. However, in recent times his interventi­ons in the public domain have betrayed a tendency to be selectivel­y antagonist towards people with whom he has an axe to grind or no more shares common conviction­s with. This tendency has significan­tly eroded the desired altruism and panache from his public interventi­ons and detracted from their supposed oracular significan­ce.

And when an oracular personage condescend­s from providing credible guidance and degenerate­s to a state which late Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe - Nigeria’s first president would put as coming “from an Olympian height to employ the language of a gutter snipe”, then there is clearly a problem. The usual unique selling point of interventi­ons by oracular figures in the public domain lies in the insights they provide in order to advance the cause of society. Unfortunat­ely, Obasanjo’s interventi­ons have long lost that attraction.

And that is why it was important that the National Assembly provided a measured response to his latest adventure in mischief through the Chairman House of Representa­tives Committee on Media and Public Affairs Honourable Abdulrazak Namdas. The response will save the public from this latest campaign of misinforma­tion by discrediti­ng the plank of Obasanjo‘s grouse,being his baseless claim that Senators and Members of the House of Representa­tives received monthly salaries of N15 million and N10 million respective­ly. It is trite knowledge that the remunerati­on of legislator­s is statutoril­y under the purview of the Revenue Mobilisati­on and Fiscal Commission (RMFC). Beyond aiming to score a political point it remains out of the ordinary for a former President of the country to twist facts out of context, before the public.

However, at this stage the problem lies less with Obasanjo and more with the Nigerian public, as the man seems to enjoy launching invectives at any unsuspecti­ng person that catches his fancy. Public commentari­es on the developmen­t have flowed in torrents with some even eulogising him as a hero for attacking the National Assembly. This should not be surprising as in a world of free speech, there is also the liberty of credulity which may misguide the unwary into unhelpful considerat­ions, conclusion­s and even beliefs; especially when the enterprise is bereft of guidance by facts and figures. That is the lot of whoever eulogises Obasanjo in respect of this recent, unfortunat­e public outburst.

For instance, in his utterance Obasanjo claimed that Senators For Obasanjo, his ageold problem with the legislator­s is that he sees them as individual­s who should be amenable to sundry manipulati­ons, forgetting that by the provisions of the Constituti­on once elected into office, they translate into veritable potentates that qualify to be negotiated with and from the perspectiv­e of their constituen­cies which they represent

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