Daily Trust Sunday

Rejuvenati­ng teas and their benefits


Tea is such an amazing beverage that is hard not to love. Apart from the comfort it gives us, it also is great for health benefit purposes. With many varieties of teas to choose from and each with its unique taste and qualities, it’s hard to limit yourself. Discover the benefits of these beverages for yourself.

Oolong: Oolong tea is an excellent fat burner which is high in niacin. This tea detoxifies your blood and prevents tooth decay as well.

Black tea: This is the most common of teas. It has a high caffeine content. It not only lowers your cholestero­l levels but lowers the chances of heart related issues like stroke.

Green tea: Green tea is high in catechins, a great antioxidan­t. It aids in preventing cancer and cardiovasc­ular diseases.

White tea: White tea has many health benefits and is the healthiest of teas. It reduces the risk of reoccurren­ce of cancer for people who have survived breast cancer. Chamomile tea: Chamomile tea has a calming effect and is great when you need to relieve stress. It also prevents diabetes and fights alignments such as kidney and nerve damage when drunk often.

Lemon ginger tea: This is also another favourite, it is rich in immune boosting compounds and is a great for fighting bacterial diseases like the cold and flu. It can even kill salmonella bacteria as well.

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