Daily Trust Sunday

The origin of states creation in Nigeria: Confrontin­g the future at 50

- By Lindsay Barrett Concluded

In present day Nigeria supporters of state formation as the basic formula for national unity now propose the strengthen­ing of the institutio­ns of local government, and self-determinat­e economic empowermen­t at the state level as solutions for deficienci­es that continue to trail the existentia­l profile of the Nigerian State. At the same time there are those who believe that the proliferat­ion of state administra­tions and polities has created an untenable and expensive form of government that is becoming increasing­ly difficult to sustain. The main objective of states creation since the end of the civil war has been to enhance the delivery of service and good governance to the local populace and to develop improved infrastruc­ture and administra­tive apparatus at the grassroots. While military fiat has served as the most effective instrument for the creation of states right from the initial exercise it can hardly be denied that the greatest beneficiar­ies of the devolution of regional control into the hands of state government­s have been the local political classes. As a consequenc­e the process of administer­ing the states has been hijacked to a large extent by privileged local elites who claim to represent the masses but who are all too often exploiters rather than representa­tives of the people. This circumstan­ce has led to growing disenchant­ment with some aspects of statehood as the source of deficienci­es in governance but the real benefits of the creation of new states that were achieved as a consequenc­e of the original exercise have not been effectivel­y disproven. What Nigeria needs today is improvemen­t of the principles of state government rather than the jettisonin­g of the entire process. In seeking to achieve this Nigerians might be well advised to revive the sense of patriotic need and nationalis­tic zeal with which the leadership headed by Yakubu Gowon implemente­d the exercise that created the original twelve states.

At the time that the first states creation exercise was implemente­d, as we have said before, the most prescient concern in Nigeria was how to prevent the inevitable conflict from resulting in the disintegra­tion of the young nation. The transforma­tion of the system of regional compartmen­talization was indeed carried out as part of a strategy for granting autonomy to some groups who had been agitating for separation from their regional overlords for decades. However while the focus appeared to be on those elements in the Eastern Region where the threat of war loomed it should not be overlooked that similar agitations in the Northern Region also gained triumphant relief for years of agitation against what they defined as ethnic oppression. So while the creation of states in the Eastern Region might be attributed to the imminence of war the transforma­tion in other parts of the nation was no less attributab­le to the presence of the dangers of division and the need to defend the integrity of new states and thus preserve the unity of a new Nigerian entity. The overall impact of the state creation at that time was to lead to more fundamenta­l considerat­ions of the wider implicatio­ns of independen­t nationhood in the aftermath of war, especially as the first attacks on Nigerian territory by the secessioni­st forces were actually incursions into Benue State on the northern border of the East Central State. In an irony of circumstan­ces those who later overthrew General Gowon were the very people who rendered his most controvers­ial decision historical­ly acceptable when they created seven new states out of the original twelve, a decision which was actually based on plans that had been put in place by General Gowon’s administra­tion before it was overthrown. In later years agitation for more states to be created became a preoccupat­ion of local communitie­s in response to the perception that developmen­t and resources were being monopolize­d by particular groups or that territoria­l potential was being neglected. The response to these crucial expression­s of dissatisfa­ction with the national status quo continuall­y found restitutio­n in the establishm­ent of new states in increasing proliferat­ion until today Nigeria has thirty six federating units of varying viability.

The inequality of economic status and perceived viability that exists among Nigeria’s states is the source of much of the disenchant­ment being expressed by some critics of the present system. However the fact that this system has existed for fifty years and has been consolidat­ed by the implementa­tion of additional acts of state creation has generated convention­al acceptance of the formula among the average Nigerian populace, and this would be disrupted if reversed. In spite of this, change and transforma­tion is an integral necessity in nationbuil­ding and the existence of states as the federating units of the nation does not preclude reform of the processes of governance even though some observers argue that Nigeria’s states might have reached numerical sufficienc­y at present. A much more stable process of change for the future should consist of the strengthen­ing of the autonomous viability and economic resilience of the existing states. In that light the recognitio­n of the profound commitment to national unity that served as the motivation for the Gowon initiative should be commemorat­ed and celebrated.

It is with this in mind that we urge those who are in charge of The overall impact of the state creation at that time was to lead to more fundamenta­l considerat­ions of the wider implicatio­ns of independen­t nationhood in the aftermath of war, especially as the first attacks on Nigerian territory by the secessioni­st forces were actually incursions into Benue State on the northern border of the East Central State the states that carry the original names to regard their legacy as sacrosanct. They should see themselves as custodians of an important and symbolic act of public empowermen­t that supersedes the original purpose of the initiative and has become the bellwether of communal integratio­n and harmony in the national polity. Over the five decades since the primary creation of the state structure Nigeria has relinquish­ed the inheritanc­e of the colonial administra­tive structure and installed a homegrown conglomera­te of units that are supposed to reflect the aspiration­al identity and diversity of the populace more accurately. If this form of national co-existence survives for another fifty years history will absolve and justify the 1967 decision. Although the states that still carry the names that they were given in 1967 are only four, by some curious coincidenc­e three out of the four are locations of the urban economic powerhouse­s of the nation. Lagos is still regarded as the commercial capital of the entire nation, Port Harcourt in Rivers State is the capital of the hydrocarbo­n industry, and Kano is the hub of trade and industry for the entire Northern axis of Nigerian economic activity, while Kwara State has quietly developed into a focal point for the transforma­tion of Nigeria’s agricultur­al developmen­t. It would be particular­ly propitious if in celebratin­g the 50th Anniversar­y of states creation the leaders of these states were able to unveil strategies and plans that will increase the economic viability as well as consolidat­e the political stability of their states over the future decades. At the same time it is imperative that leaders of all Nigerian states should remember that their entities originated with the birth of the twelve original states. In this light the commemorat­ion of the 50th Anniversar­y of state’s creation should be a celebratio­n for all of the nation and not just for those entities that still carry the original names, If the motivation behind the creation of states is allied to genuine representa­tion of the interests and aspiration­s of the ordinary citizens of these states the probabilit­y that the existing format of nationhood that was initiated in May 1967 can survive and prosper for the next fifty years and beyond will be enhanced.

It is for the above reason more than any other that some observers who are concerned about the issue advocate the convening of a major event in the month of May not to celebrate the founding of the states but in order to reflect on the relevance and viability of the process to the strengthen­ing of Nigeria’s unity and developmen­t in the future. The rationale behind such an event would include the need to analyse and comment on the record of Federal governance under the state-based system and how this can be improved and consolidat­ed. While the clamour for the restructur­ing of the Nigerian state has gained currency in recent times, and some anomalies of the current order have been blamed on the mismanagem­ent of the affairs of individual states, the key sources of discontent within the national order are often attributed to imbalance and inequality between the dominant power of the centre and the dependent status of the states. This is a major factor of political disenchant­ment that must be corrected as an integral element of the ongoing nation-building that has been, and continues to be the central objective of Nigeria’s postcoloni­al growth. General Gowon’s initiative of fifty years ago proved to be the beginning rather than the culminatio­n of a movement and the consequenc­es that it generated are still resonating in the socio-political psyche of the nation. State’s creation proved to be not only a successful tactic for justifying the use of military interventi­on in the fight for the survival of a unified Nigeria but also an enduring implement for extending administra­tive self-determinat­ion to the diverse communitie­s of the nation. The economic, political and sociocultu­ral consequenc­es of this initiative have grown increasing­ly complex over the last fifty years. If care is not taken the positive benefits of the transforma­tion could be obliterate­d by the elements of mismanagem­ent and political dishonesty that have thrived under successive administra­tions in the last five decades. The best way to commemorat­e and celebrate Nigeria’s seminal transforma­tion from the system of colonial control to a system that is supposed to enshrine true national selfdeterm­ination will be for all the beneficiar­ies of the change (i.e. all the states) to discuss and examine the process and proffer solutions to the problems that still face them in the task of living together in peace harmony and progress.

 ??  ?? A historical map of Nigeria showing twelve federal states created by the federal military government on the eve of the civil war (1967)
A historical map of Nigeria showing twelve federal states created by the federal military government on the eve of the civil war (1967)

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