Daily Trust Sunday

HEALTHY LIVING Remedies for migraine


Alot of people suffer from migraine which causes discomfort to them. Migraine is not just a head ache, but an intense one that typically affect one side of the head often accompanie­d with nausea and blurry vision. There are many typed of migraine usually identified by its predominan­t symptoms.

According to Oluwole William who works at Kaduna Teaching Hospital, shed more light on home remedies for dealing with migraine. He advised that individual­s with migraine should make sure they have enough rest and sleep, which can help to starve off migraines. Too little or too much can trigger headaches and lower your threshold for pain. He further said that patient should aim for 7 to 8 hours of undisrupte­d sleep. Regular exercise and yoga that gets your heart pumping can prevent migraines, but it can also be a headache trigger to some people. Regular yoga sessions cut the number of attacks you get and make them less intense when they happen. Also, don’t try exercising when you are in a middle of a migraine attack, because it can cause more pain. Regular exercise helps to ease stress and helps you sleep better.

Using ice packs to cool down your migraine on your head or neck helps get some relief. You can also use or try a frozen gel or a damp cloth that has been rinsed in cold water.

Drinking caffeine in coffee and some other foods and drinks may give you a mild relief. It isn’t easy, but it is important not to depend on your caffeine jolt which can also lead to withdrawal symptoms like fatigue and more headaches. You can also manage your trigger by the food; you eat or the conditions around you. Find out what brings your pain and try to avoid it. Bright lights and staying at a high altitude and strong odors can also be an issue. Find a quiet spot and relax when your migraine starts which can help speed up recovery.

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