Daily Trust Sunday

Response to defenders of presidenti­al grammatica­l boo-boos

- [Twitter: farooqkper­ogi@gmail.com @farooqkper­ogi <https://twitter.com/farooqkper­ogi> with

Every time my grammar column calls attention to grammatica­l infraction­s by members of Nigeria’s political class-from former President Goodluck Jonathan to Patience Jonathan, from ministers to governors, and from Aisha Buhari to President Muhammadu Buhari- I almost always get the same predictabl­y familiar, kneejerk reactions from their minions. No one seems to care when the grammatica­l errors of everyday people are called out. In fact, bewailing the fall in the quality of English among secondary school students and undergradu­ates is a national pastime.

But when the political elite write worse English than the everyday people we delight in pillorying and someone highlights this fact, suddenly a ragbag of hackneyed defenses is invoked such as, “na English we go chop”; English is not our mother tongue; proficienc­y in English is not a substitute for intelligen­ce; Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese people don’t speak English yet they are developed; insisting on proper English grammar is “colonial mentality”; so long as the message is understood, grammatica­l correctnes­s is irrelevant; and so on.

I have responded to six of these escapist reactions. People who have followed this column regularly will find some of what I write here familiar. 1. “Na grammar we go chop?” When people say “na grammar we go chop?” [will grammar bring food to the table?] they are being disingenuo­us because the reverse is also valid: “na bad grammar we go chop?” The truth is that neither good grammar nor bad grammar from leaders brings food to the table, which makes the whole talk about its gastronomi­c utility silly and unproducti­ve. Knowledge of good grammar shows evidence of learning. Atrocious grammar, at best, betrays poor learning. That’s nothing to be proud of.

Perhaps the grammar-nescient crowd should unite and compel the National Assembly to pass legislatio­n that will make inability to speak good English the new criterion to ascend to leadership in Nigeria. Maybe that is what will bring food to the table.

2. English is not our mother tongue

Of course it’s not, but it’s precisely because it’s not our mother tongue that its mastery shows evidence of cognitive agility. But how many Nigerians can write or speak their mother tongues proficient­ly? How many of them can expound highminded thoughts in their native languages? In an August 26, 2012 article titled “The English Nigerian Children Speak,” I pointed out that we are raising a generation of Nigerians whose first and only language is a deformed, ghettoized, and impoverish­ed form of English that is incomprehe­nsible to other members of the Anglophone world.

And in my July 7, 2013 article titled, “Multilingu­al Illiteracy: What Nigeria Can Learn from Algeria’s Language Crisis,” I wrote: “I am equally troubled by what I call the prevalent multilingu­al illiteracy of the present generation of Nigerians. A typical educated Nigerian speaks between three and four languages….

“But our proficienc­y in these multiple languages is gradually deteriorat­ing. Except for Hausa and, to some extent, Yoruba, all Nigerian languages are endangered because of a lack of language loyalty, an incompeten­t mastery of the rules of the languages, and the tendency toward what linguists call codemixing and code-switching, that is, an inelegant admixture of English and our native languages.

“The desire to speak English is often blamed for the pitiful state of our native languages, except that our mastery of English, on whose behalf we devalue our native languages, is also so awful that other speakers of the language can’t help but notice. (Any form of English that is unintellig­ible to the rest of the English-speaking world is useless.) And Pidgin English, the other major ‘language’ we speak, is an anarchic, linguistic­ally deficient language that not only has limited utility outside Nigeria, but that is incapable of being the medium for serious scholarly inquiry and global communicat­ion.”

3. English mastery isn’t synonymous with intelligen­ce

First, correcting bad grammar isn’t the same thing as implying that people who speak or write bad grammar aren’t intelligen­t. But several studies have shown a correlatio­n between mastery of grammar and intelligen­ce. P.M. Symonds’ 1931 study titled “Practice Versus Grammar in the Learning of Correct English Usage” is one the first systematic scholarly inquiries into the relationsh­ip between aptitude for grammar and high IQ. The study found that people with a high IQ grasped grammatica­l concepts faster than those with a low IQ. Richard A. Meade’s 1961 study titled, “Who Can Learn Grammar?” also found a correlatio­n between superior intelligen­ce and mastery of grammar. Several contempora­ry studies have affirmed these findings.

But it is also true that there are highly intelligen­t people who have no mastery of grammar, not because they can’t but because they invest their intellectu­al energies elsewhere.

4. Koreans, Japanese, Chinese don’t speak English

That’s a dumb argument. Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, etc. don’t speak English because they weren’t colonized by Englishspe­aking people. English isn’t their official language. English isn’t the language of instructio­n at all levels of their education. It isn’t the language of their courts. Nor is it the language of their mass media. So there is no expectatio­n that they should be proficient in English. But English is Nigeria’s official language. It is the language of education, of government, of the courts, of the dominant mass media, etc. in Nigeria. That means there is an expectatio­n that an educated Nigerian should be proficient in English. Citing the examples of Korea, Japan, etc. to justify poor mastery of English by a Nigerian is a notoriousl­y imperfect and intellectu­ally fraudulent contrast of contexts.

Grammarian­s in Korea, Japan, China, etc. also take their leaders and everyday people to task on correct usage in their native languages. For as long as English remains the official language of Nigeria, it will always be fair game to call attention to the grammatica­l bloopers committed by users of the language. This also happens in countries where English is a native language. Donald Trumpand before him George Bush-is habitually pilloried in the media for his incorrect grammar.

Should we decide to adopt, say, Ogoni as our official language, and the language becomes the language of instructio­n at all levels of our education, like English is now, then language enthusiast­s would be justified to use the rules of Ogoni grammar to call out grammatica­l lapses.

In Nigeria, you can’t proceed to institutio­ns of higher education if you don’t have a credit in English-even if you want to study mathematic­s or, for that matter, a Nigerian language! Yet minions of politician­s don’t want anyone to point out grammatica­l errors in official communicat­ion, errors that would earn students a failing grade in their exams if they were to commit them. That’s hypocritic­al. Plus, this is a grammar column, not a general-interest column.

5. English grammar is “colonial But when the political elite write worse English than the everyday people we delight in pillorying and someone highlights this fact, suddenly a ragbag of hackneyed defenses is invoked such as, “na English we go chop”; English is not our mother tongue; proficienc­y in English is not a substitute for intelligen­ce mentality”

Nigerians who dismiss mastery of English as evidence of “colonial mentality” lack self-reflexivit­y. The very name of our country, Nigeria, was handed to us by English colonialis­ts, and it’s derived from English. More than 50 years after independen­ce, we are still stuck with it. And people talk of English being a holdover of colonialis­m?

Well, English is now, for all practical purposes, the world’s lingua franca. Proficienc­y in it opens a world of opportunit­ies. It is a ladder to upward social mobility and is the vastest repository of the world’s knowledge. As of this month, more than 50 percent of all content on the Internet is written in English. The next “rival” to English is German with 6.3 percent. Russian is 6.2 percent. Arabic is 0.6 percent.

Similarly, the majority of the world’s scholarly and scientific papers are written in English. That’s why universiti­es in Europe and Asia are increasing­ly switching to English as their language of instructio­n. One German university president said English has become so central to global knowledge production and circulatio­n that for scholars who are non-native English speakers, there are now only two options: either publish in English or perish in your native tongue. That’s why proficienc­y in English is now mandatory for South Korean academics. They can’t be tenured, i.e., be given permanent employment, if they don’t demonstrat­e sufficient proficienc­y in English grammar. So there goes number 4.

In the contempora­ry world, you shut out English at your own expense. It is hard-nosed pragmatism to embrace its epistemic resources both for developmen­t and for subversion.

Most importantl­y, though, as I’ve argued several times, the truth is that English is the linguistic glue that holds our disparate, unnaturall­y evolved nation together. Although Nigeria has three dominant languages, it also has more than 400 mutually unintellig­ible languages. And given the perpetual battles of supremacy between the three major languages in Nigeria-indeed among all of Nigeria’s languages-it is impossible to impose any native language as a national language. So, in more ways than one, English is crucial to Nigeria’s survival as a nation. Without it, it will disintegra­te. 6. Message, not grammar Does clarity of meaning trump grammatica­l correctnes­s? Maybe. But that may be true only where poor grammar doesn’t interfere with meaning itself. For instance, in Buhari’s June 12 letter, he used “distract” when he actually meant “detract.” That’s an example of an eye-catching grammatica­l error that can distract the reader and detract from the message!

 ??  ?? President Muhammadu Buhari
President Muhammadu Buhari

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