Daily Trust Sunday

Focus on your winning assets (II)

- (…continued from last week) Bishop Dr. Charles Olowojoba is the General Overseer of Dayspring Bible Church Worldwide with HQ in Abuja, Nigeria & President, Dayspring Christian Ministries Int’l. Website: www.dayspringc­mi. org e-mail: dayspringc­m2000@ yaho

5. Winning Connection­s. Your Supportive Company. Are you surrounded by fire lighters of fire fighters?

Choose positive thinking friends. We are all influenced by the company we keep. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He that walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed.” Associate with positive People. They boost your confidence.

Be around people who have a healthy outlook. Try to spend more time with people who seem to put things in perspectiv­e-be they friends, relatives or coworkers. These individual­s rarely complain, can easily distinguis­h between what’s important and what’s not, and are a joy to be around.

6. Winning Attitude. Whenever they say to you “you cannot do it,” it will not be the first time they will be saying that to anyone. They told David he could not defeat Goliath. They measured his height, age, experience and size but they did not measure the one thing that matters most-his heart. They measured his height but not his heart. The most important opinion you have is the opinion you have of yourself; and the most important conversati­ons you will ever have are the conversati­ons you have with yourself. Your internal dialogue determines what you can or cannot achieve. A woman bled for twelve years and sought unsuccessf­ully for help. One day she heard of Jesus and said within herself that if she could only touch the helm of his garment she would be healed. She got her miracle. Everything you come across is speaking to you but what is important is what you are saying to yourself.

7. Common Sense. This includes hindsight, insight and foresight. The last one is your ability to dream or what is generally referred to as vision. It is the ability to see with your mind’s eyes. God does not come into your life to speak to you about where you are, He comes into your life to speak to you about where you are going. He told Abraham to look at the land of Canaan and then told him that He would give him all the land as far as his eyes can see. Go to God today and ask him to show you what he has for you in your future. When you get there, ask for the next level. Do it over and over again and soon you will be so high and far from the bottom everyone will be amazed.

8. Winning Tongue. One of your most powerful assets is your TONGUE. It can make or break you. If the devil can get you to use your tongue against yourself, he can defeat you easily. Your tongue can authorize things to work in your favour or against you. Anointing is released in words. Do you speak as a victim of circumstan­ces or as a creator of possibilit­ies? Remember, the bible says you shall have whatsoever you say! So what you have now is what you have been saying- good or bad. So if you desire something better, you will have to start saying something better. The safest is to keep repeating what God says about you.

9. Winning Emotions. We all display affection, anger, happiness and sadness just to mention a few. No emotion is bad; it depends on the use to which you put it. There is no way I can love my wife or God if affection was altogether bad. The truth is most people fall in love with the wrong persons and love the wrong things. Check who and what you are investing your affections on; your future depends on it.

10. The God-factor. This includes:

• Salvation. The bible says, “He that has the Son has life; and he that has not the Son has not life.” All are exist but not all has life. Your single most important asset is your salvation. That makes you a citizen of the kingdom of God. This gives you an exulted position in Christ. If the devil can displace you, he can dispossess you. Adam lost his possession­s only after he lost his position. Purity positions you for the power of God. Hebrews 12:1(b) says, “… let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us…”

• The divine presence (the anointing). It is tragic to loose the divine presence. King Saul began to fail when the Spirit of the Lord left him. Samson lost his sight and eventually his life when the lock of hairs on his head representi­ng the presence of the Lord, were shaved off. The bible records in several places that God was with Joseph. The same account was given concerning David and Daniel. The Greater One is on the inside of you. You are too much for your enemies; you are too hot for the devil. The presence of God makes you a winner any day!

• The sword of the Spirit. The winning wisdom of God - the Word of God. There are general secrets of success but I believe also there is a specific secret for your success as an individual. A tip from the Lord can take you to the top; it can change your whole life. Your thinking determines your living. The secret of your success is your life code. Your principles determine your possession. Wisdom is both applied and spoken. The Word of God both written and inspired, is the number one source of winning wisdom. Get it and you are made!

• The anointing of the Holy Spirit. This is given for your assignment. Your calling is your assignment on earth; the purpose God created you for. This is what gives you significan­ce. You can only be king in your own domain. It is your gift that brings you before kings. God does not anoint everyone; only those doing His will on earth. God’s favour is tied to his purpose. Find your purpose if you do not want to struggle. • The name of Jesus. • The blood of Jesus. Focus on developing these assets and you will be distinguis­hed this year. Say out loud, “I AM BORN TO WIN!!!”

You will rise to the top; you will excel in life; you will shine for all to see in Jesus name!!! votes to make Nigeria a developed nation such that every Nigerian citizen would live in comfort. Nigeria is rich enough to stop the mass exodus to foreign countries where they are treated worse than slaves. If the Nigerian youths are empowered with jobs, they can have food on their tables. They will stop dying in the deserts and oceans of other nations that are not as viable as Nigeria in terms of natural and human resources.

How many Christian and Muslim leaders really care about religious values? Calling on Christians to vote only for Christians and Muslims to vote only for Muslims is an effort to use religion like cabbage. What we need is a human being who is a Nigerian that has value for human dignity and care for the common good. Preparing for war in 2019 and prophesyin­g the extinction of any religion is not what Nigeria needs now. It is an insult to humanity to count only numbers of those who have died or displaced due to security challenges. Have these killings really respected any religion? Human beings who are Nigerians are being killed on a daily basis by hunger, kidnappers, armed robbers, ritualists, political thugs, religious extremists, terrorists and herdsmen. These are the enemies we should fight and bring to justice rather than instigatin­g Christians and Muslims to prepare for inter-religious war. We must say NO to war and YES to peaceful co-existence. May God save us from unguided insinuatio­ns and threat to peace!

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