Daily Trust

Minimizing seasonal allergy symptoms


If you’re out biking, make sure you follow the rules of the road to stay safe. The Washington State Department of Transporta­tion offers these recommenda­tions:

Follow all traffic signs and signals, pass only on the left, follow lane markings and ride in the same direction as traffic.

Every so often, check behind you as you ride. Make sure you keep both hands on the bars.

Dress in weather-appropriat­e clothing, and always wear your helmet.

Never wear headphones, so you can hear any cars and distractio­ns.

Use hand signals, and be on the lookout for road hazards.

When biking at night, make sure you use a headlight and a rear reflector so drivers can see you.

and mold are common culprits of seasonal allergies, but there are things you can do to help minimize symptoms.

The American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology offers these suggestion­s:

At home and in the car, close the windows and run the air conditioni­ng if needed.

When pollen and mold levels are high, stay indoors. Wear a pollen mask during a prolonged stay outdoors.

When you come inside, wash your hair and change your clothes.

Ask someone else to mow the lawn and rake leaves.

Don’t hang clothing or linens outside to dry.

Take allergy medication as prescribed.

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