Daily Trust

Lessons to learn from Turkey


Recep Tayyip Erdogan had it coming. The Turkish army was never going to remain compliant while the man who would recreate the Ottoman Empire turned his neighbours into enemies and his country into a mockery of itself. But it would be a grave mistake to assume two things: that the putting down of a military coup is a momentary matter after which the Turkish army will remain obedient to its sultan.

The victorious powers in the First World War destroyed the Ottoman Empire which was one of the purposes of the 1914-18 conflict after the Sublime Porte made the fatal mistake of siding with Germany and the ruins of that empire were then chopped into bits by the Allies and handed over to brutal kings, vicious colonels and dictators galore. Erdogan and the bulk of the army which has decided to maintain him in power for now fit into this same matrix of broken states. This should be LESSON to all Arab leaders especially in this American mission against others.

Abdulwahab Bawa wrote from Abuja 0806262545­2

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