Daily Trust

Tracking your health fitness with Fitbit


As they say, health is wealth. For me, I’ll say health is everything, since without it, nothing else seems to matter. To really appreciate the value of good health, pay a visit to a local hospital, and you’ll see the physical and emotional challenges that some people face on a daily basis. It isn’t fun, trust me. Worse still, beyond some point, money doesn’t even help!

As far as good health is concerned, three things come to mind: adequate sleep, good body weight, and exercise. My mom - of blessed memory - gave me quite a few pieces of advice during her lifetime. However, one curious one is her advice that I get adequate sleep. She was not medical personnel, and her level of formal education was modest. So, up till this moment, I am still puzzled by the motivation for her advice on adequate sleep. Unfortunat­ely for me, I did not take her seriously; so I never bothered to ask her for the basis of the advice on adequate sleep. I am blessed with good body stature and weight and I watch what I eat. Also, I have been running (outdoors) a few miles five days a week since 1988, as a way of exercising. However, I never concerned myself with the need to have adequate sleep, despite the lifetime advice from mom.

It took more than a decade after my mom passed on in 2002 for me to discover ab initio the value of adequate sleep as a prerequisi­te for good health. That is, even though my health is excellent - people say I look 15 years younger than my age - I notice that when I don’t have adequate sleep (seven hours a night), I do not function well. Some of the symptoms I experience include mental fuzziness; tiredness, poor coordinati­on, inability to concentrat­e, feebleness, poor vision, and a host of other problems. My point here is that you need to pay attention to your health right from this moment, if you have not already started to do so. That is, have adequate sleep, maintain a healthy body weight, and exercise. Of course, you will not smoke, and alcohol consumptio­n should be strictly controlled.

Maintainin­g good health is not a walk in the park. It requires a lot of discipline. While having adequate sleep is relatively easy to do, eating right and exercising can be very difficult. However, we can take advantage of the fact that “what you track expands.” Thus, if you consistent­ly track your weight loss, you will tend to lose more weight and keep it off. Likewise, if you consistent­ly track a metric for measuring the amount of exercising you do, you will tend to exercise more. This is where the devices for health (activity) tracking come in.

These gadgets are wirelessen­abled wearable technology

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