Daily Trust

YouTube to assist tailors achieve their dream

- From Eugene Agha, Lagos

A new twist has been introduced in the world of fashion and design as YouTube, a video-sharing website owned by Google, has expressed its desire to assist those interested in tailoring to become famous in their chosen career.

Google’s Communicat­ions and Public Affairs Manager, Anglophone West Africa, Mr Taiwo Kola-Ogunlade, made this known in a statement in Lagos yesterday.

Kola-Ogunlade disclosed people need to equip themselves with the right skills if they hope to overcome the recession.

He disclosed that YouTube has introduced free online videos that would teach people how to sew, and how interested persons would one day become the next Mai Atafo (a Nigerian bespoke fashion tailor).

Kola-Ogunlade said: “If you always wanted to use fashion as an outlet for expressing yourself by becoming a bespoke tailor, then your wish is an internet click away.

“There is so much on the internet to assist you in your journey to fame as a tailor. With several helpful resources, especially videos to help you learn to sew from start to finish, you will be amazed at how much you can learn in six months.

“In spite of the high cost of going to a fashion school, or perhaps having the opportunit­y to go for classes, then this should be good news. Get yourself an internet connection on your computer or phone, and you are ready for sewing classes,’’ he said.

The Google manager urged interested fashionist­as to go online for amazing beginner sewing apps and step-bystep video directions that would teach one the basic sewing skills.

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