Daily Trust

Viva Macron! Viva le sens communi!


To readers who can only speak passable French like my humble self, the title of today’s discourse celebrates not only the victory of Emmanuel Macron in the French Presidenti­al elections decided over the weekend, but ultimately the triumph of commonsens­e it signified. It was a result most right thinking people across the globe had been waiting for. It was a massive blow to politics of intoleranc­e and populism.

It was also a result, I am certain, which would have displeased Donald Trump, the other compulsive demagogue across the Atlantic whether he received the news at his expansive resort at Mar-a-Largo, or within the White House itself. On too many occasions during her campaign for the presidency, the far-right conservati­ve candidate Marie Le Pen, differed from Donald Trump only on account of her gender, geographic­al location, and the language of expression.

Beyond that, every other thing followed the same pattern or template. Partly because she had openly expressed her admiration for Trump, we could hardly tell both apart. The nastiness and plantation mentality so typical of American rednecks and the neo-Nazis of Europe. The open preference of fiction over reality. The open defiance of logic. The rejection of globalizat­ion and inclusiven­ess. The anti-Islamic sentiment and open appeal to fascism and populism.

With barely 24 hours before the polls opened, the Macron camp even reported the hacking of its own website! It was so eerily reminiscen­t of the hacking of computer systems in the headquarte­rs of the Democratic National Congress (DNC) in the weeks leading to the elections which Hilary Clinton lost.

Like Trump, and the leading face of Brexit Nigel Farage, Le Pen’s rhetoric also feeds on the same flawed ideology which not only mocks the history of the evolution of nationstat­es and globalizat­ion, but actually seeks to re-write it! Although all three are decedent from slave masters and colonialis­ts, who savaged and badly exploited their victims on the African continent and beyond, they now shamelessl­y seek to exclude their victims from their borders and the spoils of their civilizati­on. They immorally beckon on history to forget the crude exploitati­on of their victims for centuries through a combinatio­n of ruthless cunning, and the force of arms.

The hundreds of millions Africa lost to the slave trade did not require entry visas before their deployment to the cotton and sugar plantation­s of North America. They were removed from Africa against their wishes. Those who survived long enough to reach the plantation­s were also not entitled to wages or welfare.

It is a tragedy of monumental proportion­s that today, the rejection of the ideals behind the Holocaust, and not the repudiatio­n of the nastiness and incivility that resulted unpreceden­ted crime dismissed simply as the Slave Trade, is upheld as the moral compass for the socalled civilized world.

Nobody requested for the opinion of Africans before the continent was partitione­d and virtually ‘sold off’ to Western Caucasian powers at the Berlin Conference of 1884 - 1885. The partitioni­ng went ahead as if the people of Africa did not exist! Like the Slave Trade, it happened against the wishes of the people of Africa who were not in a position to choose either way.

And yet, these are the same victims, along with their ‘cousins’ in the Middle East and the diaspora, which Le Pen, along with the other right wing politician­s in Europe, and America, virtually want quarantine­d, or classified as surplus to requiremen­ts in their respective territorie­s. Having ‘constructe­d’ their economies and civilizati­ons with the sweat of their victims, they want no places reserved for them at their dinner tables.

These are the same people Le Pen railed against with so much venom during her profanity-filled campaigns for the presidency. Like the thinly veiled racism behind Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan, she wants ‘France’ for the Caucasian ‘French’ only. She regards globalizat­ion and multilater­alism as the veritable tools for the adulterati­on of what she considers to be the unique French civilizati­on. Like her father who founded and provided the platform on which ran, her ideal notion of France has no place for blacks or other people of color like the Arabs of North Africa, they exploited for centuries.

Her vision of France has no place for the contributi­ons of Leopold Sedar Senghor, Yannick Noah and Zinadine Zidane to French politics and popular culture! It even disrespect­s the hundreds of thousands of African soldiers who paid the supreme sacrifice to liberate France from the tyranny of NaziGerman­y between 1939 and 1945. It is also a negation of the policy of assimilati­on which was the official policy of France during the colonial period. Somehow, the feels she knows something her ancestors did not.

Today, French is spoken by an estimated 120 million Africans in 24 Francophon­e countries on the continent. Le Pen’s ideology seeks to exclude these same people in spite of the deep linguistic, and cultural ties, forged over many centuries of colonizati­on.

The likes of Trump, and Le Pen, not only seek to re-write history in their nauseating images, they also seek a return to the dark days, which made Slave Trade and Nazism possible. Their politics should be a wake-up call to all right-thinking people of the world. The result of the French election will somehow serve to rollback the tidal wave of populism and right-wing sentiments which Trump’s victory in America appeared to have emboldened.

Populist parties, who ride the crest of incendiary and crowdpleas­ing answers to the social ills of nations should belong to the fringes of politics in both Europe and America for multilater­alism to take hold. When crude and uncourt demagogues like Trump and Le Pen are checkmated at the polls, we are guarding against the reincarnat­ion of the likes of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

Still, while it is heart-warming that Macron was able to trounce Le Pen even when he was considered an outsider who was previously unknown to the French political establishm­ent, the manner of his emergence should also set alarm bells ringing for the mainstream parties. The fact such parties including the one that produced the incumbent failed to make the second should be a wake-up call.

Could it be that the more traditiona­l allied to the left and center of French politics have lost their appeal or are running out of ideas? Have they effectivel­y imploded, and inevitably created a vacuum, which could be filled by a coalition of right-wing politician­s, and parties, who think and reason like Le Pen in future? The big challenge now is how the mainstream parties must now urgently re-calibrate for the future elections.

For now, though, viva Le France! I salute the good people of France for their courage in halting the dark clouds of populism drifting over Europe, even if, it turns out to be a pyric victory in future. It was still a victory for common-sense!

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