Daily Trust

Health tips for retirees


Maintain a healthy weight:

It is important for retirees to note that extra weight increases risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. As such, retirees may use the Kaiser Permanente Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator to find out what you should weigh for your height so as to maintain healthy weight and stay there by eating right and keeping active.

Stay up-to-date on immunisati­ons and other health screenings:

By age 50, women retirees should begin mammograph­y to prevent skin cancer. As you age, screen for breast cancer. Men can be checked for prostate cancer. Many preventive screenings are available and can look up for upcoming immunisati­ons online. Our skin grows thinner; it becomes drier and less elastic. Wrinkles appear, and cuts and bruises take longer to heal. Be sure to protect your skin from the sun. Too much sun and ultraviole­t rays can cause skin cancer. Therefore, it is important to take care of the skin as you age.

Get regular dental, vision and hearing check-ups:

Your teeth and gums will last a lifetime if you care for them properly by daily brushing and flossing and getting regular dental check-ups. Also, by age 50, most retrirees notice changes to their vision, including a gradual decline in the ability to see small print or focus on close objects. Common eye problems that can impair vision include cataract and glaucoma. Hearing loss occurs commonly with ageing, often due to exposure to loud noise which can be preventabl­e with time.

In managing stress, exercise or relaxation techniques or perhaps meditation and yoga can serve as a means of coping. Retirees can make time for friends and social contacts and make time to have fun.

Manage stress:

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