Daily Trust

Available police statistics show that 98 per cent of 200 suspected cultists arrested in Lagos State last year were youths between the age of 17 and 35 years. This goes to show that cultism has gone beyond campuses of tertiary institutio­ns to junior school


beyond campuses of tertiary institutio­ns to junior schools and even neighbourh­oods, as teenage school children and artisans in communitie­s are initiated into various secret cult groups.

National Coordinato­r of the Oodua Peoples’ Congress (OPC), Gani Adams, said it was unfortunat­e that cultists have shifted their base from the universiti­es to neighbourh­oods as artisans, such as vulcaniser­s, mechanics and others are now members of dreaded secret cults.

According to Adams, young boys in their teens are being initiated into cults, which is a very dangerous signal and threat to the security of life and property.

“All these cultists are being recruited by prominent people in the society, especially politician­s and leaders, who use them to perpetrate evil in the society.

“In this vein, we must do something to stop this trend, because it is going out of proportion. The public transporte­rs, including their unions and associatio­ns, have to be checkmated,” the OPC leader had said when he met Imohimi over the ugly trend.

In a bid to check drug abuse on campus, NAN recalls that the University of Lagos had provided a drug test kit in its medical centre to examine students suspected to be on hard drugs.

Former UNILAG ViceChance­llor, Prof. Rahaman Bello, told a NAN forum in Lagos last November that the initiative was necessary because drug abuse was on the increase in the nation’s tertiary institutio­ns.

Bello said that about 100 students of the university tested positive to the use of hard drugs in 2016.

“One hundred out of over 50,000 students may seem insignific­ant, but to us, one person on drug is a problem to the university community,” the former vice chancellor had said.

A security expert, Mrs Tanwa Ashiru, CEO, says it is important to change society’s approach to fighting drug abuse and traffickin­g at community level before changing the narrative.

Ashiru, Chief Executive of Bulwark Intelligen­ce, saus Nigerians often celebrate bad things, stressing that there is need to engage with communitie­s in fighting illegal use of drugs in the society.

“We need to focus on changing the way communitie­s view and respond to the troika of drug abuse, cultism and crime and government must lead the campaign by walking the talk as our little efforts can at least put Nigerians in the right frame of mind,” she said.

It is therefore imperative for all to engage the country’s youths, representi­ng over 50 percent and the most active part of the Nigeria’s over 180 million population on the dangers of drugs, cultism and crimes to themselves and the society at large. (NAN)

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